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Category: Switch Game Reviews

Warframe Review (Nintendo Switch)

Warframe is a free to play SciFi co-op third person combat online game, developed and published by Digital Extremes and ported over to the Nintendo Switch by Panic Button (who also ported Rocket league, Doom and Wolfenstein 2). Story Warframe’s story takes place in a far off future, where your…

Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion Review

In a dark alleyway, you can faintly hear the sound of a subway, deep in the depths of the sea. Welcome to the Octo expansion. You are an Octoling, but you find yourself in a bit of a bind. You have forgotten who you are, developed a desire to escape the underground, and to top it all…

Super Mario Odyssey Review

Just when we thought that collectathon games were a dying breed, Nintendo came back to its 3D Mario roots. Enter Super Mario Odyssey, bringing you a new world filled to the brim with Moons (not Stars) to collect. But is it as amazing as we remember Super Mario 64 being? Let’s find out. This new…

Human Fall Flat Review

Human Fall Flat might be more fun that it should be. In this puzzle physics game, you find yourself exploring massive mountain ranges, medieval castles and even the great sea. This might be one of the only games you can use what you learned in a physics class to feel…
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