How To Get Your Daily Hunt Pass Points in Dauntless (Switch)

You may have wondered why there are red rings on the bull busts sparkling around Ramsgate in Dauntless. Perhaps it’s because you can collect them and get freebies through the hunt pass, and possibly seasonal quests. All in all, you can find all 10 and gain 50 points a day. Therefore, if you are wondering …

How To Breed For Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield

Shiny Pokemon are extremely rare and they are an achievement to get in the Pokemon games. This guide will teach you how to breed for shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield. If you’re familiar with the old method in previous games, not much has changed. This guide aims at making the experience less troublesome …

How To Unlock The IV Judge in Pokemon Sword and Shield

The IV Judge tells you what stats are the best and the worst of a Pokemon. The best stats have 31 IVs while the worst have 0 IVs. This guide will help you unlock the IV Judge in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. How To Unlock The IV Judge in Pokemon Sword and Shield After …

How To Get A Destiny Knot in Pokemon Sword and Shield

IV breeding requires the Destiny Knot item. This guide will help you get a Destiny Knot in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield so you can start IV breeding Pokemon and building your competitive teams. How To Get A Destiny Knot in Pokemon Sword and Shield There are two methods to obtain the Destiny Knot item …