Corrupt A wish!

  • Thread starter Starmanfan
  • Start date
  • #1,701
Granted, but now everyone hates on you.

I wish I wouldn't feel lonely all the time.
  • #1,702
Granted now you have all the friends in the world :D

I wish I has all level of The Dark Magicians and all spell castors :hug:
  • #1,703
Granted, you die of a heartattack in 3...2...1...

I wish all dreams I had as a 6 year old would've come true back then
  • #1,704

But you died on your 7th birthday.
  • #1,705
Well since the last guy didn't put a wish I'll do it.

I wish Pokemon Sun and Moon was out already in Europe
  • #1,706
Granted but your falsely banned because the Europe servers are not up yet and they thought you pirated it

I wish all trainers where dead so I could swim in there remains :3
  • #1,707
Granted, but once they are dead you feel the pain they felt for the rest of time and will never die.

I wish I was able to change to different animals and back to a human at will.
  • #1,708
Granted, but your life span shortens when you use it

I wish for a hug :3
  • #1,709
granted but the hug is given by a like-like (from tloz)

i wish to beat level 9 on the original nes zelda
  • #1,710
I wish time could go a little bit slower specially when I'm having fun.
  • #1,711
Granted but you get stuck in a timeloop and after a while stuff gets boring. (Dormammu I have come to bargain!)

I wish I could teleport at will.
  • #1,712
Granted, but when you use it you teleport somewhere random

I wish for 5 hugs :3
  • #1,713
Granted, but it is from thiefs who steal everything from you.

I wish I knew what it feels like to get hit by a Rabbit Beam in real life.
  • #1,714
Granted, but you can never recollect your life before getting hit to realise the difference.

I wish for 1 simple Play Coin.
  • #1,715
Granted, but it's a fake Play Coin so you can't use it.

I wish the 3DS had unlimited battery life.
  • #1,716
Granted, but the power button on your 3DS no longer works and you can't turn your 3DS on to use it.

I wish I was a lot more courageous.
  • #1,717
Granted, but you're completely blind to dangers now and you walk of a cliff

I wish everything I liked was free
  • #1,718
Granted, however everything you like is no longer available in your region.

I wish I could stop global warming.
  • #1,719
(...but I like water... :dead:)

Granted. You can stop global warming, right away, but it requires you to commit genocide.

I wish we didn't have to corrupt all wishes here
  • #1,720
Granted. but you have to kill everyone that get a wish, this including you, so in order of prevent a paradox the universe will negate your wish.
I wish for money.