Favorite Zelda Game?

  • Thread starter Catstew
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  • #201
Well Wind Waker Was pretty hard and took me a week or 2 to beat it i still didn't get the long magic meter
but still the best and hardest is Ocarina Of Time.
  • #202
I love Ocarina of Time!! It just awesome how Hyrule was first brought into 3D.
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  • #203
Ocarina of Time for the win!
  • #204
As of right now, my favorite Zelda game is Ocarina of Time. This game was from my childhood. It had some side quests, great story line, and I liked how you could change from adult back to a child. I also like playing the ocarina. This game led me into playing Majora's Mask.
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  • #205
I think it changes from time to time. last year I was obsessed with Wind Waker. so I replayed it like 3 times, when I was young I used to love Ocarina of Time to dead. its probably my most replayed game along with r Resident Evil 4. right now my current favorite Zelda is probably Twilight Princess,even though im replaying Skyward Sword as I type, because I just remembered all techniques you can learn and because the Hyrule Warriors DLC got me hyped. who knows maybe next year MM will be my favorite because of the remake. love them all though
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  • #206
My favorite has to be majoras mask but others ones as wind waker fight for number 1
  • #207
I would honestly have to go with wind waker for the WiiU it's Beautiful with a great soundtrack and great gameplay! Although I would also have OOT and ALTTP but don't forget MM. I just can't get enough of these games and not to mention how awesome this site is and all of the community, a bunch of people I could hang out with you all have my same taste and would be fun people to talk to all day.
  • #208
Wind Waker. It's amazing.
  • #209
Thats a hard question for me :unsure: i guess i would say twilight princess.
  • #210
my favorite zelda game would have to be a link to the past. I love the game and i beat it 4 times (on my 5th run through right now) and i lLOVE the dark world musiv
  • #211
Definitely Majora's mask. It's almost perfect.

The world in Majora's mask is so intimate, nearly every npc in this game is relevant and you the game made me develop genuine feelings for them (whether positive or negative) because the game really makes you get to know them and I think for a video game to do that is really special.

Not only that, the game is much deeper than previous iterations of Zelda. The game explores the importance of friendship, love and even possibly grief (ever heard of the game theory that theorizes Link is dead and his quest in Majora's mask is a spiritual one?). I won't get into that but you get my point...

The game is extremely dark as well. Termina's on the verge of an apocalypse, you can kill Sakon (the prancing thief) by blowing him up and then you have Gerudo pirates killing a young Zora, depriving his girlfriend of love and his unborn kids of a father.
  • #212
The best one in my opinion and also one of the best games for the 64 has to be Ocarina of Time. I don't see anyrhing that they missed in this game. Great controls, reasonable graphics, timeworthy gameplay, and so many things to discover and collect. The one thing that I really enjoyed about this game was tge music! The music in this game has the best soundtracks and is better than any other game that I have played in my entire life. Praise Nintendo for bringing this game the Nintendo 64.
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  • #213
Ocarina of time is the best
  • #214
My favorite Legend of Zelda game is ,,, The 4 games of oracle of seasons.. This Zelda was the most challenging one ive played to this day. Sure,Twlight was fun,Ocarina was amzaing but Oracle of season has done more traveling,way more items than any link out there, and that he fights so much bosses that he is the stringest link to me.He might not become 3d or Fancy but he has done more and more thing than any other link in the series
  • #215
well my favorites would be skyward sword twilight princess and Oceania of time i enjoy playing in wolf form on twilight princess it pretty fun to try also skyward sword story pretty awesome i have to say
  • #216
My favorite is wind waker also the graphics are amazing
  • #217
my favorite zelda game is easily the wind waker one because it was the first game i actually got for my gamecube and then when i played it, it was so much fun. i never passed it though ( i got stuck in the part where you have to find the triforce charts) but it is still my favorite.
  • #218
Most of the Zelda games are good but I like Twilight Princess more. The graphics look amazing on there and the gameplay is awesome. I've beaten the game like 3 times.
  • #219
A link between worlds, or Majoras Mask. I can't decide.

I'm glad Nintendo's making a remake of MM.
  • #220
for me it is definitely a tie between Ocarina and Skyward Sword. Both games were amazing games for their consoles, really just amazing games period. Heck, Skyward Sword told the story of how Link, his ascendents and descendents got the curse of their bloodline! And ocarina of time had the most brutal puzzles of any game i've played. Dear lord, they made my brain hurt. I'll say this, one of the few games i've beaten without the aid of google or ign.com. very proud of that fact.