Favorite Zelda Game?

  • Thread starter Catstew
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  • #161
Ocarina of timeSoviet-Russia-Jokes-random-23698031-500-358.jpg
  • #162
I want to say Ocarina of Time even if there are terrible things that stop you from completing the game (Navi being one and Kaepora Geabora or whatever forced tutorial owl face's name is). It had some great bosses and challenges as well as a Master Quest so I don't go home hungry (and want to play it again).
  • #163
Twilight Princess is on top for

being my first
  • #164
I've only played Skyward Sword and a Link Between Worlds. But I think I like A Link Between Worlds more because the whole idea of merging into walls and traveling to another world is awesome!
  • #165
My favorite Zelda game is The Legend Of Zelda Majoras Mask. When I was younger (9 or 10 years old) my parents bought me a GameCube that came with Zeldas Collectors Edition, which is a pretty rare game. I played Majoras Mask and i loved Skull Kid. I didn't know how to save or what to do so every time I had to reset. Then I finally figured out what to do and I played the crap outta the game. I LOVED the story and the side-quests. I became so emersed in the story I would dream about it, and play with my sisters about it. Majoras Mask is the best Zelda game, and I really hope they will remake it for the 3DS
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  • #166
My favorite is link to the past.Before A Link to the Past, there were two Zelda games: the original and Zelda II: Link's Adventure. The original is incredibly bare-bones, and Link's Adventure is such a weird entry that it's almost been discarded from Zelda canon. But A Link to the Past changed things. For one, it added a lot of atmosphere that previous Zelda games really didn't have.In a Link to the Past, Link travels between the light world and the dark world, conquering fierce monsters and uncovering Hyrule's deepest secrets along the way.The Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past will keep you occupied with its brain-bending puzzles and fun swashbuckling action!
  • #167
Personally, I think my favorite is A Link Between Worlds. It just brought back so much nostalgia from A Link to the Past and I liked the StreetPass Dark Link battles.
  • #168
What was your favorite Zelda game? To tell you the truth, i have never played a Zelda game, but i have heard many good things about it! blah blah blah ive read this quote a billion times!
just joking with the quote change!
My favorite zelda game is by far The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap for GBA (GAMEBOY ADVANCE). I fisrt played it a couple of years ago on a friend's gba, and loved it. I then beat the game on the pc using an emulator since I couldn't find the game in stores. I have also played part's of the Ocarina of Time, but much prefer this.
  • #169
For me, I would say either Wind Waker or Majora's Mask. (especially on Halloween night.)
  • #170
Phantom Hourglass was my first Zelda game that I ever played. My favorite though is Ocarina of Time. I just love it. It is famous amongst Zelda for a reason!
  • #171
My favorite Zelda game is Ocarina of Time. It is a really fun game. You can do so much in it. You travel around a lot out also battle a lot of people. It is really fun. That is why Ocarina of Time is my favorite Zelda game.
  • #172
Twilight Princess is without a doubt. The ending made me cry. It's actually my favorite game of all time. Ocarina of Time is definitely second. I played on the original N64, Master Quest on the GameCube and now replaying on 3DS.
  • #173
Hmmmmm... I think Phantom Hourglass. Because it's the first one i ever played, can't play it anymore because my Nintendo broke.... I miss it, sometime i go to a friend and play it on his spare nintendo, when i play it i just have goosebumps, that's how much i love it
  • #174
So a while back I bought that link game called links awaking dx. To be honest I I'm unable to do Zelda puzzles lol idol know why so that makes kinda not like Zelda. The only reason I got it was because I enjoy dungeon crawler games. The new zelda games I have no interest in. But the videos made it look good. So I played it but never finished it. I couldn't do anything without going on google and searching up a walkthrough. But I will one day go back and finish it legit lol
  • #175
Ocarina of Time without any questions asked, I've probably spent more time on that game than I have sleeping and had many experiences of temptation to throw my 3DS out of the window because of some of the puzzles in the master quest, but that just made the ending that much better
  • #176
What was your favorite Zelda game? To tell you the truth, i have never played a Zelda game, but i have heard many good things about it!
Mine has to be twilight princess. just the scale, plot, and art design make it a great title to play
  • #177
If I had to choose a favourite it would definitely be between Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess, I liked OOTs story and the time traveling thing and I also ADORED wolf Link lol

Oh and Minda, she so troublesome lol
  • #178
I love a lot of Zelda games but for me it has to be a tie between Ocarina of Time and The Wind Waker! Ocarina of Time was what first got me into the franchise, and I always enjoy playing Wind Waker because I just love the colorful world and the feeling of exploration across the Great Sea :)
  • #179
Twilight princess,it was the first zelda game i completed
  • #180
My favorite Zelda game would have to be Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time. I played it back on my Nintendo 64 when it came out. (so not a remake) Back then the graphics were amazing to me, the puzzles in this game had me addicted for hours. My favorite place on the game was definitely the Ranch where I met Epona. The music in the game was pretty cool too, and I enjoyed learning the ocarina buttons to press for different songs. I still remember the one to call epona Up, Left, Right. Up, Left, Right.