Favorite Zelda Game?

  • Thread starter Catstew
  • Start date
  • #221
A link between worlds, or Majoras Mask. I can't decide.

I'm glad Nintendo's making a remake of MM.
Me too! Majora's Mask is a classic. Can't wait to relive the experience of becoming Fierce Deity Link again!
  • #222
Everyone gets mad at me for saying this, but dude, Spirit Tracks was the best BY FAR. Dude, The Hero Of Trains! I mean, the hero of time-so last season! (get it, because time?) Hero of Twilight? Mah. But The Hero Of TRAINS? Now that right there is the absolutely non-sarcastic reply ever!

(But honestly, while The Hero Of Trains was the worst name ever, Spirit Tracks was the Bomb...
  • #223
Twilight Princess
  • #224
What was your favorite Zelda game? To tell you the truth, i have never played a Zelda game, but i have heard many good things about it!
Personally, I really liked Phantom Hourglass because it was the game that introduced me to the series when I was a kid. But it's also tied with Skyward Sword since that was a really fun game :p
  • #225
I guess my favorite Zelda would be Link and the faces of Evil
No not really all Cd-I games sucked :p
My favorite would be Ocarina of Time
I think the first one I played was NES Zelda
  • #226
I think the best zelda games are Oot and mm (ocarina of time and majoas mask)
  • #227
Ocarina of Time is, and always will be, my favorite Zelda game, closely followed by Oracle of Seasons.
  • #228

I would have to go with The Wind Waker, as the game came out on my Birthday. So I kind of had to play it.

It is a great game with great combat, dungeons, and manages a world and story perfectly, and is almost perfect. It also has an HD remake on the Wii U, so go and check it out!

I hope you have fun...
  • #229
Certainly LoZ: OoT per N64, not only for its awesome story and innovative gaming style, for the time, but also for the HUGE and AWESOME memories of me playing it with my brother, when i was 4-5 years old.. Now I keep playing it from time to time on a computer emulator, as my N64 got stolen and i dun have the money to buy the 3DS re-edition
  • #230
my favorite zelda game is zelda twilight princess
  • #231
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time is my favouriteeeee :D
  • #232
M A J O R A <3
  • #233
My favourite Zelda game was
definetly the wind waker! Even though this game was highly critiziced when it was launched I played it and loved it. I loved the freedom of sailing wherever you wanted because you could change the wind flow yo reach any point in the sea
  • #234
I've always loved A Link to the Past, however I also liked Wind Waker and the new A Link Between Worlds. I've always wanted to like Majora's Mask... I'm hoping to give it another chance with the 3DS release
  • #235
my favorite zelda game is zelda wind waker hd beacuase i like the sea it looks fantastic love toon link he is so cute and the dungeons and story is awesome and my brothers favorite zelda game is zelda a link between worlds beacuase you can shop all the items from the begining and you can choose where to go first
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  • #236
My is legend of Zelda a link between worlds because Its my first Zelda game and it has good graphics and sound and story also because link get a new power and two worlds hyrule and lorule
  • #237
Ocarina of Time was the best in terms of experience, my little mind was blown.

Link to the past because its amazing and my first Zelda title ever.

Majora's Mask because it was so weird yet so Zelda and such a mature and strong story.

Wind Waker because its the magical interactive cartoon we always wanted, amazing graphics and superb story, save for the Triforce Scavenging.

Link's Awakening was also great because it had great dungeons and a cool ending.
  • #238
Mine is a tossup between Wind Waker or Ocarina of Time both of them are amazing
  • #239
My favourite is Legend of Zelda Link Between Worlds :)
  • #240
Link to the Past for me. That pink hair though.