Favorite Zelda Game?

  • Thread starter Catstew
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  • #301
Just wait for the new "zelda u" game x3 its suppost to have the biggest yet, and its a lot more explorable, and ughh im so excited for it xD that game is half the reason i bought a wii u, the other half being smash :p
I'm skeptical of how big the world of Zelda u is gonna be. My expectations are skyrim big but idk if Nintendo can really pull that off. It would be their biggest game to date by far.
  • #302
I'm skeptical of how big the world of Zelda u is gonna be. My expectations are skyrim big but idk if Nintendo can really pull that off. It would be their biggest game to date by far.
i dont think itll be that big, but prob like 70-80% that size, i miss skyrim Dx
  • #303
wind waker hd. i love the graphic and links faces. the story is perfect. the granny is lovely. the boat isalnd system is just perfect for me :3 so i love wind waker hd and i dont know waht to say anymore so WIND WAKER HD <3
  • #304
My first Legend of Zelda game was A Link Between Worlds, on the 3DS. ~It was so fun!~ I'm obsessed now. I'm really looking forward to getting Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time, because they're more of the "realistic" type of Zelda games, not like Wind Waker and Link Between Worlds. However, Link Between Worlds was fun! Walking through walls, etc
  • #305
My first Legend of Zelda game was A Link Between Worlds, on the 3DS. ~It was so fun!~ I'm obsessed now. I'm really looking forward to getting Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time, because they're more of the "realistic" type of Zelda games, not like Wind Waker and Link Between Worlds. However, Link Between Worlds was fun! Walking through walls, etc
i liked wind waker lol, but majoras mask is a favorite, you deffinitely wont regret :p although if you want the whole realistic look, you should try twighlight princess, id suggest the gamecube version, but either is fine, really
  • #306
What was your favorite Zelda game? To tell you the truth, i have never played a Zelda game, but i have heard many good things about it!
Twilight Princess was pretty awesome
  • #307
I grew up playing OoT And it is AWESOME X 10000000000, literally the story is cool too!
  • #308
I have only played part of Wind Waker, But its still an amazing game and I love it!!!:cat:
  • #309
My favorite Zelda game is the ocarina of time because it was the first Zelda game that i have played.
  • #310
Ocarina of time was good, and ive heard its almost as great ported over to the 3ds, as was done very recently. Also, i liked minish cap and a link to the past, too. Minish cap was probaly my favorte for the game boy, ocarina of time was my favortie for n64, and a link to the past was my favortite for the 3ds, though i havent played ocarina of time 3d yet
  • #311
Ocarina of Time. Hands down. Majoras Mask was also pretty good.

TP was only okay, Skyward Sword sucked. I´d love to play WW, but I just can´t get over the art style.

It seems like the 3D Zelda games have consistently gotten worse with each installment. I really do hope they won´t screw up the next one up.
  • #312
I love A Link Between Worlds! I really like how you can rent the items and keep them for as long as you want, unless you died. The fact that this game is nonlinear makes it so I can defeat 2 dungeons, then just dodge cuccos and play baseball instead of just going straight for next dungeon. Also you can can to the dungeons in any order (except for one.....). This game is often compared to A Link To The Past, but I prefer it over "ALBW" since there is less directions on where to go. Also Ravio is the best character.
  • #313
I like LoZ : Oot
  • #314
My first Zelda game was Twilight Princess for the Wii, it will always have a special place in my heart (though I prefer the Gamecube version). I can't decide if that one or Majora's Mask is my favourite, I like them both equally.

I liked Ocarina of Time, The Wind Waker, A Link to the Past and A Link between Worlds a lot too.
  • #315
i prefer the gamecube version too knight :p its the one i played first, and i like the controls more, also not a fan of how the wii version is "backwards" lol
  • #316
My favorite Zelda is A Link to the Past.
It's my first Zelda.
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  • #317
My favorite Zelda games where Legend of Zelda Windwaker HD and Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds.

Oh yeah and Also Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princess
  • #318
My favorite games are Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess! xD
  • #319
Ocarina of Time, because there has yet to be a more revolutionary Zelda game of its time. I can see many seeing LTP as the greatest, even though I love that game nearly as much, Ocarina is a head just a hair for more due to where it fell for me in my childhood. I was young enough to be filled with that sense of wonder and astonishment for what lay before me, but old enough to recognize the new technology and graphics, and be able to compare it to the past games. I think that OOT had a stronger story line and characters, but it was so beautifully different from LTP in a way that I could still love them both, even though they looked and felt so different. But anyways my vote goes to Ocarina of Time, even though I would consider A Link to the Past as a close second. I do love all Zelda games, although I would say I was not able to have the patience to finish Zelda II (AOL). Wind Waker, Skyward Sword, Link Between Worlds, Twilight Princess, and of course Majora's Mask are all close as well.
  • #320
my favorite zelda game is The legend of zelda major's mask because i love how it has a sad story and scary story to it and i love the detail of the mask