Favorite Zelda Game?

  • Thread starter Catstew
  • Start date
  • #321
My favorite Zelda game The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D.
I like this game a lot of fun because you have to explore 3D worlds, other Zelda games are 2D. I know the game Majors Mask, but I think this game NOT fun because you have a limit in time. In TLOFOoT3D you have unlimited time.
I think the second Zelda the wind waker the WIIU.
And in third place the Zelda game for the DS by train. (I forgot the name)
  • #322
My Favourite is majoras mask :) Because its one of my favourites as a kid :D
  • #323
Wind Waker! Love the story since it's the sequel of Ocarina of Time from the Adult Timeline... And great music as well!
  • #324
I liked Ocarina of Time because it was my first 3d Zelda game and I loved the way all the controls are and love the story and characters and bosses too ! It was the best game of many others and So many people liked it . It was the first Zelda game to be 3d and It brings back memories and I also like the Majoras Mask too but Ocarina of Time will forever be the Number 1 best games of the world on my list
  • #325
majoras mask 3d so far is the best (my opinion):)
  • #326
I have to say the original Legend of Zelda is my favorite.
  • #327
Do I really have to pick a favorite? Lol well, if I really have to I'd have to go with twilight princess. But, then again I'm kinda partial to wolves lol.
  • #328
majuras mask it was fun but creepy and scary with the mask and all. i love the game storry and all of it i think nintendo did a grate job. so i recomend it to all i love the legend ov zeldea so i give the game 5 stars
  • #329
Personaly i really liked majoras mask because of all the feels in the game and it was so fun to play with new controls you know what i mean swiming with zora mask.

Id say Majoras mask just because of the feels
and the masks they were just so fun to play with them the game play was exquisite yes and the final boss eh? amazing just amazing i mean i might say its the best zelda game evah if one objects then ok but just simply amazing also that 3 day cycle was pretty fun and always knowing that the moon will fall on yo head and that majoras mask logic is hilarious if the moon is that close volcanos will erupt the sea will be floating horrible weather the moon crashing is the lease we have to worry about.
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  • #330
  • #331
I posted in this thread earlier, when I said that twilight princess was my favorite zelda game, but that title is actually being challenged now by majoras mask, since I recently played the 3ds Version. I feel like the 3 days concept gives the game a Nice touch, and it helps it to stand as an unique, wonderful Zelda. Im also really fond of Wind waker :)
  • #332
My favorite Zelda game is "Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time". Actually to be honest that's the only one I have played. I really want to play "Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker" and "Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess". Even though I have only played one I hear a lot of people say that it is the best Zelda game.
  • #333
Wind Waker for me. It was actually the first game I have ever played and loved every second of it. Majora's Mask is second but I wouldn't recommend it for first time Zelda players.
  • #334
Link Between Worlds was fun, I link all of them to be honest
  • #335
My favorite Legend of Zelda game would most likely be Windwaker. The game is beautiful and the puzzles are amazing. If only I could get another copy of it, I could replay it. Honestly, I've played that game longer than any other game I've known.
  • #336
Links awakening. No Contest.
  • #337
Zelda twilight princess is my fav zelda game and even my fav game in general
  • #338
I haven't really played that many Zelda titles... The only Zelda titles I've played thus fare are Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks and Two Swords Adventure.

I must say that I can't choose between PH and ST. They both have the same kind of gameplay, and have the same feeling around them. Yet there's some slight differences between them, for example in PH having the ever-so sarcastic and greedy Linebeck by your side, who turns out to be some sort of hero after all in the end, and in ST Zelda's spirit, who becomes more brave (and fond of Link, I have to say) as the story progresses as well.

And the ending to Spirit Tracks is just so frigging cute... Plus, Spirit Tracks is the sequel to Phantom Hourglass. I still can't decide.
  • #339
I have only played Link to the past
  • #340
I change my answer. As I have now played Majora's Mask 3D and Ocarina of Time 3D, I would say that my favorite is Ocarina, especially because the game is really easy to get into, not like Majora's. When I first started playing Majora's I got so confused and stuck XDit hurt.