Favorite Zelda Game?

  • Thread starter Catstew
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  • #121
Hands down favorite for me is Minish Cap!!!
  • #122
My favorite Zelda game is Majora's Mask as an old game but i prefer Zelda Hyrule Warriors has an new game and with his function and high 3d Quality while fighting but i don't have nothing about Majora's Mask it was a great title and a great way to enjoy the game by collecting Mask and having new power but there's something that make me feel hyrule will be perfect for me
  • #123
What was your favorite Zelda game? To tell you the truth, i have never played a Zelda game, but i have heard many good things about it!
thats a tough decision actually ;P They are all REALLY good in my opinion, firstly though.... you've never played a zelda game??????????? dude you are seriously missing out on video gaming at it's core! As for my favourite zelda game? I'm stuck between the first zelda game I completed OoT (64) and Link's Awakening DX (gameboy colour) both are planted deep in my heart as my favourites, they were seriously my whole childhood :p Loved TP and SS too but not as much as the 2 I mentioned!
  • #124
You really want to know what it is?
OK, but I'll say this once...
game and watch... >: DDD
  • #125
My favorite legend of zelda game is Minish cap because its the inovation of a link to the past and it was the first loz game
  • #126
All time favourites are probably always the first ones you play aye?
Mine is Ocarina of Time!! The story... It's just so amahzing! I respect all the other zelda games (at least the ones I've played) but OoT... Could say it is my favourite game of all time.
  • #127
I'm not actually sure to be completely honest, picking favorites is always hard to do, and picking from my favorite game francise is even harder. I love all the Legend of Zelda series games. I think I'd have to either go with Winderwaker, (I loved the style so much, and it was a great game as well.) Ocarina of Time, (A classic, great game that was the first 3D Legend of Zelda game.) or Link to the Past. ( It was an amazing game, the design was great and everything)
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  • #128
Twilight Princess. I really loved that game, but to be honest, the only Zelda game I've actually finished (beaten the final boss) is Skyward Sword, which is my second favorite Zelda game.
  • #129
if youve never played a zelda game u should get a link between worlds for 3ds thats my favorite until hyrule warriors comes out
  • #130
My favorite zelda game was skyward sword sword second was ocarina of time
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  • #131
Hmm...this is tough. I like all of them, but if I had to pick a favorite I think I'd say Majora's Mask. I love playing it to this day and REALLY hope for a 3ds remake.
  • #132
While ocarina is brilliant, my favourite goes to link to the past, mostly because it's so hard to get over the nostalgia I have for it.
  • #133
A link to the past especially the GBA remix because that's the game that got me into the serie.
  • #134
Definitely Skyward Sword. So many hours of gameplay, the bosses were great, sidequests were really fun and story was great. One of the best in the series.
  • #135
A Link Between Worlds is definitely my favorite, its such a breath of fresh air to the series, especially for me as I was getting a little tired of the typical Zelda formula. The ability to complete any dungeon in any order is amazing and the way the item rental system gives rupees greater value is incredibly nice to see. I really hope Nintendo takes elements from A Link Between Worlds and incorporates them into later Zelda games, because its honestly what the Zelda series needs in my opinion.
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  • #136
the game LoZ i played last time was LoZ wind waker HD and i played a demo of hyrule warriors at game stop so so far i like hyrule warriors
  • #137
Tough call. It's between Ocarina of Time 3D (not the original N64 but the 3DS remake) and Link's Awakening DX. Probably Awakening because I prefer the top-down perspective and it was the first top-down one I played.
  • #138
You've never played a Zelda game!? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!? (mostly kidding)
Zelda Wind Waker was downright my favorite Zelda game, the world in that game was just so huge and gorgeous at it's time. It still is! xD
Yeah it´s one of my favourites to (After ocarina of time).BTW,nice profile picture xD
  • #139
My favourite used to be Ocarina of Time for SO long, but then Majora's Mask came out, and it was a tie. Then I decided to play Minish Cap and A Link to the Past, and those two were tied with the other two. So I played Twilight Princess, and it jumped to the first place, but then Skyward Sword took it place, so you can see how this goes.... I love every game, but as now, A Link Between Worlds and Majora's Mask are my favourite.
  • #140
Ocarina of Time by far, 10/10