Favorite Zelda Game?

  • Thread starter Catstew
  • Start date
  • #141
Majoras mask was my favorite, mostly because it was the only zelda game that i knew how to beat and my sisters did not. I still love it today, especially the additions made to the ocarina (such as holding z, r, and the joystick (either up or down)). The thing i disliked about the game is that epona was taken away from you.
  • #142
Recently my Favorite Zelda Game would be A link Between Worlds. It's new concept, new villans, can't see what's not to like.
  • #143
Mine was Minish Cap,i was very at the end (before Vaati's castle) and the save got corrupted
  • #144
The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time will always be my favorite game since 1998
  • #145
What is your favorite Zelda game? Mine would definitely be twilight princess. That game has so good of story line, Link starts out being this normal guy who is the chosen one, but if you look deeper into the game you notice that Link is much more than that. Amazing sequence, i love the action, the drama, and the best Zelda ending ever (so far).
  • #146
My Favorite Zelda game would have to be Twilight Princess. I love the Dark theme!! I loved how Link can transform into a Wolf and also how many sword techniques you can learn. Midna is So Awesome!! <3 But overall i loved the game in general from the boss fights to the Mini Games, It was a Great Zelda Game and i like the art style of that game the most <3
  • #147
Phantom Hourglass and Ocarina of Time :D
  • #148
Embarrassed to say this, but my first and favorite Zelda game was Minish Cap for Gameboy. I loved the music and overall everything about it. Like this post if you agree Minish cap is notable enough to go on YOUR top 5 Zeldas!
  • #149
Which Legend of Zelda games are your favorite?

Why is it your favorite?

As for me I have a list of favorites right on me.

Legend of Zelda Link Between Two World - I enjoyed every minute of playing this game. It brought back the feeling of Link to the Past with features such as renting items and being able to use the coins that you get by walking with your 3DS in sleep mode. For me it was a good game for the 3ds and I have played it at least 3 times to make sure I had my fill.

Legend of Zelda Windwaker -The cartoon style of this game in game cube appealed to me when I was 12. It was so funny to see the faces of the character and enjoyed the story a lot now that I had a better reading skill at the time.

Legend of Zelda Oracle of Season/Time - This used to be my first games back in the gameboy color days. I owned both
because of difference in events. This was the first handheld Zelda that I owned and loved due to the fact that I could play it on the go.

You may add more to your explanations or they can be very simple explanations.

Reason for this post is to see the different tastes in people and see what others prefer in a game of this franchise.

Who know I may even try some of the favorites that you may mention.
  • #150
Gotta be Wind Waker. With such a huge world and free roam capability, I could still spend weeks playing it after having already completed it numerous times.
  • #151
A Link Between Worlds.It was great from its difficulty,Bosses,Gameplay.;)
  • #152
My favorite Zelda game i Majora's Mask i just love the dark atmosphere and the awesome setting of a moon crashing into Earth (does Zelda take place on Earth). And i know this has been said by a lot of people but it's just true it's an amazing game (and I think it'd better than Ocarina Of Time which is still amazing). And the music is also amazing. But yea it really depends on your opinion.
  • #153
I'd say Majora's Mask or Ocarina of Time 3D =)
  • #154
What was your favorite Zelda game? To tell you the truth, i have never played a Zelda game, but i have heard many good things about it!
Mine would probably be ocarina or wind waker. Ocarina was the first Zelda game I played and I loved it. It was one of the few 3ds games that I actually loved. It was all so new to me. If there was one game I would lose all my memory about and play, it would be ocarina of time. And wind waker's art and style grabbed me. I felt that it gave me a lot mor freadom than ocarina.
  • #155
My favorite is Skyward Sword. I know I'm in the minority here, but I loved just about everything about it. The art style was great, music amazing and the motion controls was what I always pictured the wii mote being used at its full potential. Fi didn't even bug me, plus it gave me one of my favorite villains from the series . The Ghirahim fights were just great fights.
  • #156
My favorite zelda game is ocarina of time
  • #157
It's a tie between Ocarina of Time and Minish Cap. I loved both of them. I did multiple playthroughs of OoT, and sure bought it again for my 3DS (got the full Zelda bundle).
  • #158
I enjoy playing a link between worlds for the same reason as most people. It is a Remake of a link to the past. Also I like how you buy items, not finding them in dungeons and have a super spin once you find all the MIMIs. I use the super spin a lot.
  • #159
I love Zelda games but, I am not able to finish any of them due to my lack of ability... But my favortie Zelda game would be Ocarina of time
  • #160
My favorite is Twilight Princess


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