• Thread starter Ritardando
  • Start date
  • #221
"Blaze return! Let's go Vinni!" (Vanilluxe) "Use Blizzard!" Azura was feeling very confident again.
  • #222
"Darkrai! Dark Void!"
  • #223
The 2 Pokemon just sat there. "...Uh...When are you going to hit Darkrai?" Azura asked Vinni.
  • #224
"Darkrai...? You out speed hundreds of Pokemon... How come you haven't moved?"
  • #225
"Do they have the same speed?"
  • #226
"No, Darkrai should have a faster base stat unless you put all of your energy into training his speed," Eric pointed out. "Maybe an outside interference?"
  • #227
"What could be interfering?"
  • #228
"Well, back in Johto there was a Team Rocket that had plenty of weird devices," Eric said.
  • #229
"Alright, guys, I think we should start heading back," Sky called to her Pokemon. All of them ran over to her. One Shaymin ran after with them. "Hey there! We're going to go now." Shaymin seemed determined to follow. "You want to come with us? Alright," Sky said. She and all of the Pokemon started heading back to where Azura and Eric were.
  • #230
"Well, one way to know if there is a outside interference is-" Eric tried to call back Darkrai.

Click. Click. Clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick.
Eric's Pokeball wouldn't open.

"We're being attacked by an outside force, my Pokeball won't open."
  • #231
Sky walks over to their battlefield. "Hey, guys! I finished training. And look, I found a valley full of Shaymin! This one followed me here. So how did your battle go?"
  • #232
"About that..." Azura began to say.
  • #233
  • #234
"Our Pokemon are frozen, not ice frozen just frozen and our Pokeballs don't work! I think someone's attacking us."
  • #235
"Who?" Sky said, shocked, staring at Darkrai and Vinni standing doing absolutely nothing.
  • #236
"I don't know... I haven't seen anything like this... But it's not exclusive to Pokeballs. I can't get the PC in the Pokemon Center to work either..."
  • #237
"So, whoever or whatever is doing this can just freeze our Pokemon at will? This is bad..."
  • #238
"How the Pokeballs are frozen is just a matter of a frequency disrupter but freezing Pokemon..."
  • #239
"Think of the semi-good, Whatever Pokémon they have, if any, are also most likely frozen."
  • #240
"How do you even freeze an ice type?" Azura asked Eric.