• Thread starter Ritardando
  • Start date
  • #261
"This is the leader of the team that quickly took over all the regions, Giovanni," The television said.

"If you have seen any of the champions or Agent Looker, or this Trainer who assisted in the past as an act of treason against your new government please try to bring them in, dead or alive." Giovanni said.
  • #262
"Also trainer if you are watching this we have your friends. This one is very loyal despite the fact that these two have only known eachother for a few days. Yet he still tried to protect his friends. I admire that quality in my army. Now just to convert him to my side." Giovaani said as the broadcast ended.
  • #263
"Sky and Azura, they should be able to hold up," Eric commented. "Can we trust you guys to help?" He asked Archie, Maxie and Looker.

"No way to wipe your slate clean than liberating a few regions!" Archie replied.

"They're all criminals, I'm in," Looker agreed.

"Well, that makes three!" Maxie said.

"I'm in too," A mysterious voice said.

Everyone looked over.

"My name is Cyrus, the old Leader of Team Galactic."

"Doen't anyone bother to knock!?!" Archie yelled.

"It's a cave, there's no door," Eric explained. "Now we need the champions and-"

The rest of the champions came in on Dragonites.

"Eric, you should know by now. I'm always one step ahead," Lance laughed.

"Now we wait till they send us the location to there base. Kinda stupid to beg for someone to run too your base but not tell them where it is," Eric said.
  • #264
"Giovaani you know Eric is most likely saying something along the lines of. Kinda stupid to beg for someone to run too your base but not tell them where it is. Yeah i can see him saying that." Azura said to Giovaani when he came back from the broadcast room.
"That was the plan! Of course someone like you wouldn't understand! All he has to do is fall into the trap..."
  • #265
(Later in the story, can I be Cyrus or Ghetsis if he gets involved?)
  • #266
(Yeah, or you could be N, I plan on associating him later on!)

"Since me and Lance checked out the old bases in Johto an Kanto just a week ago, there's no way they're out there. So, until someone gives us directions, we're wanted men!" Eric said. "And woman, of course," He added quickly. "And no one knows where we are! I mean, no offense, but even the general public wouldn't guess that the champions and head of police would hide in the former crooks base. It's shear-" Eric heard a helicopter. "Spoke too soon."
  • #267
(ok, I'll be N)
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  • #268
Eric and the others heard shouting from outside after the helicopter landed. "First you chain me to a wall in a cold wet room! And now your just going to roll me into this cave and leave me to die! You guys suck at making plans!" After that Azura was tossed into the cave with his arms and legs tied up. Luckily for everyone inside the cave he was also gaged.
  • #269
"Wait," Eric whispered. "They know we're here. No one make a bloody nois or take one step towards the hostage, it's a trap."

The sound of the helicopter could still be heard in the background.
  • #270
Azura who didn't notice them began to laugh. The others heard the helicopter explode and the people outside yelling things like "It burns! Get it off me!" And "Hot hot hot!" Something large pulled Azura out of the cave. "YEAH YOU BETTER RUN! Thanks Blaze. It's to bad they ran away i wanted to fight. Well at least we have this cave to lay low inside of for awhile." He stepped back into the cave and tripped over a rock.
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  • #271
Eric heard the drone of another helicopter.

"Blastoise use Hydro Cannon!" A voice yelled.
  • #272
As the water hit Blaze, Azura noticed Eric and mouthed "Throw me my Pokemon!"
  • #273
Eric looked at Lance.

"What did you do?" Lance asked.

"I... Hacked into Azura's files on the PC and deposted all the Pokemon..."
  • #274
(I'm back uh what happened to Sky I'm confused)
  • #275
(Sky and Azura were captured and they got rid of Azura but kept Sky i guess) The Blastoise used hydro cannon again this time on Azura. "Thanks alot Eric." Azura said as the water hit him slamming him into a wall.
  • #276
"You're very much welcome," Eric muttered ignoring Azura's sarcasm.

"Stop using Hydro Pump," A voice commanded. "A dead hostage is a useless hostage," The man walked in. "Well, looks like everyone is here!" he laughed.

"You are-"

"I'm N,"

Eric had a realization. "Feragatr! Hydro Cannon on Azura!"

Azura fell down limp. Then he became a Zordak.

"Where is Sky and Azura?" Eric growled.
  • #277
"They're all safe with us, for now." N replied with a twinge of sarcasm
  • #278
"Hey! Sorry if i'm late. They thought it was a good idea to tie Blaze up with a rope! So what did i... What is he doing here?" The real Azura said as he walked into the cave. "Eric thank god you put my Pokemon in the pc or i wouldn't have made it out."
  • #279
"Hydro Cannon," Eric commanded. "I'm smart enough to know that Azura wouldn't come back without Sky."
  • #280
Azura walked back into the cave dripping wet. "I was about to tell you that Sky is outside."