• Thread starter Ritardando
  • Start date
  • #241
"Well my Pokemon are fine... So far. They've been in their Poke balls since I left the forest, except occasionally when I sent them out to fight."
  • #242
"How do you even freeze an ice type?" Azura asked Eric.
(Nintendo logic that's how)
  • #243
(Gg Nintendo gg)
  • #244
"Uh...i just noticed this, but i can't move either." Azura who has been standing still for a while mentioned.
  • #245
"Whoa what? Please say your kidding!" Eric jumped up and down looking stupid but he was happy that he wasn't frozen. But he noticed other civilians were stuck as well. "What... What's happening!"
  • #246
"Nope not kidding!"
  • #247
"Sky, anything happening to you?"
  • #248
"Agh, I can move but my limbs are feeling heavy..."
  • #249
"When in doubt...Brute force it out!" Azura said as he forced his body to obey him.
  • #250
"Agh, I can move but my limbs are feeling heavy..."
  • #251
(Guys, I'm gonna be away for a few days. @OmarJamal can rp Sky, or you guys can come up with an excuse to have her not needed in the rp for a few days)
  • #252
"Agh... I... I don't think I can move very much anymore..." Eric stuttered.
  • #253
Suddenly, a stealth plane flew overhead and a claw shot out. Clutching her abdomen, the ship flew off with Sky. Azura and Eric realized they could now move
  • #254
"...Eric take care of the rest of my team i feel like this is a trap...and don't ask anyone for help." Azura told Eric as he mounted Blaze and took off after Sky.
  • #255
A Dragonite landed behind Eric.

"Knowing you, you're going to ignore Sky, aren't you?" Lance asked.

"Absolutely. Do you know what team it could be?" Eric asked.

"You know the answer to that; It's our darkest fears. That was the a grabber likely built by Rocket, the transportation of Plasma. They've likely salvaged the remaining members of the other teams..."

"Let's go find Looker."

"Great idea."

And Eric and Lance flew away on Lance's Dragonite.
  • #256
Meanwhile Sky and Blaze caught up to the jet. "Blaze get me inside!" Blaze tore a hole in the jet and Sky jumped through it. "Huh...stun rifles. Must be in the armory." Sky geared up and walked out of the door. He was then greeted by 30 or so team plazma and team rocket members. "Well that backfired. Blaze use AGH!" Azura was hit by the move Bolt strike from Zekrom. The last thing he saw before losing conciousness was Blaze getting captured.
  • #257
"Aren't we supposed to be finding Looker?" Lance asked. "You seem to be pre-occupied."

"We can't just 'find' Looker. We're heading towards the old team Magma and Aqua base. Maxie and Archie both stepped down as leaders when the two teams fell. But Maxie and Archie might just be our allies..."
  • #258
Azura woke up in a dark room chained to a wall Sky was chained a few feet away from him."Sky!...Sky?...Come on wake up! We need to get out before they know..."
"Before we know what?" 2 men walked into the room. 1 had 2 team plazma grunts with him. The other was with 2 team rocket grunts. "Who are you? You better let me go before my backup...gets...here." Azura remembered that 1 Eric has no clue about where he is. 2 That he said don't come after me.
  • #259
"Whoa now! We didn't do anything wrong!" Archie yelled as Eric and Lance walked in the room.

"The crazed seaman is right. We haven't done anything wrong."

"Good. What have you all heard about this new team?" A Garbage Can asked. Suddenly his costume revealed that the garbage can was in matter of fact- Looker.

"Well, there's some team Rocket among them," Lance replied.

"And some team Plasma," Eric added.

"They are fairly well hidden," Maxie answered.

"They have taken over the borders of all the regions and have a worldwide manhunt for all of the champions, and you two," Archie said pointing at Eric and Looker. "Don't believe me? Look at the television."
  • #260
"Where are Lance and Eric? I'm not asking you again!" The grunt who was questioning Azura yelled. "I said i'm not going to say anything!" Azura yelled back. "Even if i do this?" The floor opened under Azura revealing electrified water.