• Thread starter Ritardando
  • Start date
  • #281
"Yeah, the issues with that is-" Eric rolled 11 Pokeballs. "I can't hack. I've had your Pokeballs the whole time."
  • #282
"But...i have them." Azura threw 5 Pokeballs in the air and the team came out. "See Muddy, Vinni, Salad, Haze, and Brav. They were in my pc boxes...Now i'm confused." Azura said
  • #283
"Surf!" Suddenly all of Azura's Pokemon transformed back to Dittos. Azura transformed into another Zordak. "Alright, drop the act N. Where can we get the real Azura and Sky?"
  • #284
"Oh, you can't get them, they're ours now" A heli swoops by and N jumps on and flies away laughing
  • #285
Meanwhile at N's base. "Let me go! i demad to speak to your leader before i go anime on you guys!" Azura yelled as he pounded on the door of his cell.
  • #286
"Save your breath, screaming won't help anything" a TV flickers to life in the corner featuring N's face
  • #287
"But it just did. Now how did you have so many people with stun guns and a legendary Pokemon on such a small plane? How did you even know i was going to chase after you?" Azura asked as he sprinted at the door. "Azura use high jump kick!" Azura kicked the door open. "It actually worked?"
  • #288
As everyone grumbled Archie and Maxie laughed.

"Really? Kid comes into a room with every fugitive and he ignores how easy it would be to bring us in!"

"And a helicopter? I've got some air tracking technology that works as long his on earth! Let's go!"

Everyone watched the small dot intensely.
  • #289
Meanwhile at N's base "How did you know i was going that way?" Azura was thrown back into his cell.
  • #290
"10 people... 3 people per Dragonite!" Lance yelled. "Maxie, Archie, Looker, you take this one. Me, Alder, Steven will take this one and Cynthia, Diantha, Red are on this one. Eric-"

Eric was already rocketing around with Togekiss.

"Let's go!" Eric yelled. And everyone headed towards the base.
  • #291
"Ha! My shadow clone jutsu from Naruto actually worked now to rescue Sky..." Azura found Sky's cell and opened it. "Sky come on we need to go." As they ran out of the base they saw several Dragonites in the distance.
  • #292
"...Something is horribly wrong..."

Everyone looked over.

"Yeah, who are you and what have you done with Red?" Eric said wide-eyed.

"Shut up. Someone did something that isn't possible in this universe. We need to withdraw from the liberation. Since Eric has multi-dimensional heritage having him so close to there would open a black hole," Red said.

The team had no choice but to retreat...

"You two aren't escaping anytime soon..."
  • #293
"Oh come on! I ran all the way here for them to just leave us behind!" Azura turned around to see who had spoke to him. (And Bobcam7! we both know your not the only 1 with multi-dimensional heritage.)
  • #294
"Let's devise a new plan," Lance suggested.

"Yeah! Let's go back with my Genesect and blow stuff up!" Eric yelled.

"Genesect can fly?" Cynthia asked.

Eric showed Cynthia a picture.

"I'm all in! Let's do this!" Archie agreed.

"Why do I let you pull me into things like this?" Lance asked shaking his head.


Sky and Azura seen a face they thought they'd never see, a dead mans face, Lysander's face.

"Now then. Why are you trying to leave so soon? Don't you understand? I am trying to create a Utopia and I will only spare those who fight among me. I failed once, and your friends will pay for that... They will be the first blood shed while the new earth is created. Hundreds, MILLIONS of deaths will not matter as long as we reach this goal. So will you help my cause? Will you join me and betray your 'friend' for immortalty and power, or follow your 'friend'? But before you answer, let me ask you. How much do you know about Eric? Do you know what he has done? Do you know what he has done in his past? No. He has kept himself completely hidden, breaking promises the moment he makes them. So. Make your choice..."
  • #295
"...Who are you again? I don't think i've seen an important person that looks like you." Azura said.
  • #296
"Well, innocence can be a great thing. You may call me Lysander," Lysander laughed.
  • #297
"Immortality and power or friendship. Let me think about it for a minute. I pick the immortality and power." Azura said as he walked back into the base unknowingly awakening his name sake in his head.
  • #298
"Wait, before I choose.." Sky looked at Eric. "What's he talking about, Eric? Are you really hiding something from your past?"
  • #299
(Eric and the others retreated. It's just Azura, Sky, and Lysander.)
  • #300
(Eric and the others retreated. It's just Azura, Sky, and Lysander.)
(Oops i havent posted here for a while, im kinda behind on the storyy lol)
Sky hesitates but steps up. "Ill fight with you..." she says reluctantly, too scared to stand up to him alone.