• Thread starter Ritardando
  • Start date
  • #301
  • #302
"So what's the plan?"
  • #303
"Well to put it simply we need to track down this man," Lysander showed them a picture.

"He's very slippery and also very strong. I think you two are the only two who are strong enough,"


"A word of wisdom Lysander, don't let yourself grow cocky, it makes it easier for Genesect to hack you," Eric mumbled having overheard most of the conversation. "I can't believe they broke... We need to get out of here they'll know where we are soon enough. We need to find this fella first."

"You want to know what could really help?" Lance looked Eric in the eyes.

"Lance, don't make me don the cape and cowl again..."

"Well, cape and cowl is one was to think about it..."

"Fine, I'm not going to win this argument either way!" Eric threw his arms up.
  • #304
"So you think i can do this with only Blaze?" Azura began to realize that answering him on autopilot earlyer was a bad idea.
  • #305
"Easily. He may be strong but none of his Pokemon are a match for any legendary Pokemon," Lysander assured.
  • #306
"What about my Pokemon? They are in his hands right now." Azura mentioned
  • #307
"We already have a team bringing them in," Lysander explained.

"We've got 3 hostiles coming this way! They definitely know we're here!" Maxie yelled.
  • #308
"They better be good." Azura replied
  • #309
"Well, if it isn't-"

"Salamance, use Hyper Beam."

"Run!" Lance yelled as everyone got on Dragonites.

"Genesect!" Eric yelled jumping on Genesect. "WHOA!" Eric dropped some Pokeballs. He managed to grab Togekiss but all of Azura's fell to the ground. "We have to keep going!"

"Got the balls. Heading back now..."

Half an hour later...
  • #310
Azura took his Pokeballs and let his team out. "I can finally use these!" Azura wrapped a bandanna around each Pokemon's neck. Written on each bandanna was 'Member of team fairy tail.' On the other side. ' Member of team fairy void slayer.' (#Team fairy void slayer for best evil team name of the year!) "The nice side is for non evil things the other side is for evil things." Azura explained.
  • #311
"Okay, so um... I think Azura can handle that. What should I do..?" Sky said, feeling defeated and helpless in comparison to Azura. She never thought that he would be so quick to change his mind about which side he was on.
  • #312
"Hey Sky don't give up i'm just acting." Azura whispered as he walked past Sky.
  • #313
"Hey Sky don't give up i'm just acting." Azura whispered as he walked past Sky.
Sky tried to look like she didn't hear anything but her face lit up. She still had hope, at least one of her friends hadn't abandoned her.
  • #314
"So what now boss man?" Azura asked as he climbed a tree.
  • #315
(We still gotta track down AZ, also what time zone are you in?)
  • #316
(central or eastern standard in north america. Why did you want to know? Also whats AZ again?)
  • #317
(central or eastern standard in north america. Why did you want to know? Also whats AZ again?)
(AZ is the guy that has the Flowette from X and Y. And I wanted to know just so that I'd know whether you'll answer probably)
  • #318
(Okay i was just wondering.)
  • #319
"Sir! We have good news and bad news," a grunt yelled running up to Lysander.

"What now?"

"Well the good news is we didn't just get AZ but also that Eric fella!"

"And the bad news?"

"They've ruptured the hull annnnd... Eric Ol' Boy is standing right in front of you!"

Suddenly, without warning the grunt lashed out at Lysander.


To the Grunt's surprise Lysander didn't even flinch.

"Why do you even try Eric?" Lysander sneered grabbing his arm.

"Because... The criminal justice system is corrupt!"

Hearing the key word Looker revealed himself.

"International Police! Stick your hands up!"
  • #320
"Sorry but i have to act a little while longer." Azura whispered as he tackled Looker.