• Thread starter Ritardando
  • Start date
  • #321

Looker's Croagunk attacked Azura knocking him out.

"Alright. ANYONE ELSE WANT TO SURRENDER NOW!" Looker yelled.
  • #322
All of Azuras Pokemon mobbed the Croagunk and then Looker
  • #323
"I'd take that as a no. Sharpedo! Surf!" Archie yelled coming in on a Dragonite through a hole in the hull.

Suddenly Lance rode up with Officer Jenny on another Dragonite.

"Manetric! Discharge!"

Eric realized what was going to happen. A wave of electric water rushing at everyone. This wasn't going to be pretty.
  • #324
Azura who had woke up jumped on Blaze and dodged the electric wave. "Jeez it takes you forever to come rescue people."
  • #325
it knocks Sky out, she returns her Pokemon in the last few seconds she's awake she returns her Pokemon.
  • #326
  • #327
"Archie you-" Eric yelled as he got shocked. Suddenly the plane whent black and the sound of a engine abruptly stopped. "You short circuited the plane. GG Archie. GG." Eric muttered rubbing his temples.
  • #328
"Um i think i can glide this!" Azura yelled as he ran toward the front of the plane.
  • #329
"Gliding it won't do any good, we're above the water and I put so many holes in the plane it would give a sponge a run for it's money," Lance said.
  • #330
"I DON'T CARE JUST GET SOME ELECTRICITY IN THIS THING!" Azura jumped in the piolets seat.
  • #331
"Not so fast!" An army of Azuras fly out of the shadows
  • #332
"OUT OF MY WAY!" Azura jumped around on the walls of the plane kicking the clones. A hidden leaf ninja headband falls from under his hair as he jumped around.
  • #333


"WHY!?!" Eric, Lance, and Looker all yelled.

All the Azura clones were completely disintegrated.

"Well, we fried the circuit board. We are officially out of ways to power this thing up," Looker said inspecting the circuit box.
  • #334
A monitor on the controls flashed to life with N standing next to a Zoroark. "Toodles" he proclaimed cheerfully as Zoroark morphed into a Braviary and N flew off the plane.
  • #335
"Well then... If anyone touches anything we will go off line so... Let's just wait until..."

"Aproching- Headquarters."
  • #336
Azura boiled over with rage. "I'M GOING AFTER HIM!" Azura took off on Blaze and flew at N and his Zoroark.
  • #337
N whirled around and smashed into Blaze with a Brave Bird of immense power.
  • #338
Azura tackled N off of the Zoroark and they flew towards the ocean at a high speed. "I really didn't think this through did i?"
  • #339
  • #340
"No i killed you." Azura flipped N to make him hit the water and Azura be fine.