• Thread starter Ritardando
  • Start date
  • #341
"Well, we're screwed," Eric muttered. "BRACE FOR IMPACT!"
  • #342
(Wow, this is getting dark... I like it)
N screamed as the water zoomed closer. Suddenly, a blur flashed by and grabbed N. Azura began to panic as N sailed away happily on a Lapras (Zoroark)
  • #343
Azura threw a rope dart into the Lapras and pulled himself up. "Can't we just talk about this?"
  • #344
"3... 2..." Eric counted down.
  • #345
The plane was about to hit Lapras. "N can this go any faster?"
  • #346
"Of course, NOW ZOROARK!" The Lapras morphed into a Sharpedo and sped off.
  • #347
"Oh good all my friends are dead now so i guess i'm on your side for real now." Azura said.
  • #348
(Wow, I go away for a few hours and Sky dies/supposedly dies)
  • #349
(Not my fault)

(Guys unless you want to be dead do something!) BUMP!
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  • #350
All of a sudden, Wailord storms out of the water, carrying the crashed plane on its back
  • #351
"Ugh!" Eric yelled as he was knocked out from the impact.

3 Hours Later...

Eric awoke on a sandy beach and instinctively checked for his Pokeballs. Sure enough, all 6 were where they were supposed to be. He looked around and saw Looker, Officer Jenny, Archie and Lance.

As he observed his surroundings he saw Sky, also knocked out cold.

As Eric lightly shook Sky awake he realized a storm was brewing.

"The sky looks too stormy to fly out of here... I suppose we can just swim..." Eric muttered but after looking around a bit more he realized that the whirlpools made surfing across it impossible. Then he realized where he was exactly.

"Oh Arceus... We are not in a very friendly place..."
  • #352
(BUMP!) Azura had fallen off of the sharpedo and was on a beach as well ( Let's add a jungle for no reason!) as he looked around he had 3 choices. Stay on the beach, try to swim away, or trek through the jungle."You are not it. Jungle it is then!"
  • #353
"Crap... We have every reason to belive we are stranded on a mirage spot," Eric said before begining to whistle the Giligan's Island theme.

(Anime, do me a solid and tag skyshamin please)

"On a three hour tour. A THREE HOUR TOUR."
  • #354
Sky walked down the beach singing along, "The weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed"
(I got it: @Skyshaymin )
  • #355
Azura ran out of the jungle. "Hey guys i found a research base in the jungle!" Azura had armor on his Pokemon now (It is chain mail.)
  • #356
Then Archie started, "If it wasn't for the crew's brave acts the Minnow would be lost, THE MINNOW WOULD BE LOST."

"Cripes..." Maxie groaned.
  • #357
"...What the heck are you singing?..." Azura asked
  • #358
Archie just stared at Sky wide eyed. "You have never heard of Giligan's Island?"
  • #359
"...No just stop talking now..."
  • #360
"I'm not talking, I'm singing. They found themselves on an abandoned desert isle with GILLIGAN, THE SKIPPER TOO, THE MILLIONAIRE AND HIS WIFE..."