• Thread starter Ritardando
  • Start date
  • #361
Azura threw Archie into the ocean to shut him up. "So now what?"
  • #362
"...I say we vote Azura off the island," Eric suggested.

"Eric, as much as I hate to say it. This isn't Survivor. For the time being we should take refuge in that abandon lab Azura found," Lance said.

"Well if you hated to say it so much you never had to say it..."
  • #363
"Wow guys do I have any friends here?"
  • #364
"Well you punched a cop, dunked Archie and you abandon us to go with that weird fella, so no, you don't," Maxie pointed out.
  • #365
"Hey i thought you guys were dead! I even dug graves! I gave you funerals!" Azura walked away depressed.
  • #366
"Sigh... I'll go apologize..." Eric said.

"Hey. Hey, Azura. What the matter?"
  • #367
"Just because i thought you guys were dead does not give you the right to be jerks. Before i met everyone here that guy i went with... His team killed my brother i left you guys to get revenge on them. Also Archie deserved it."
  • #368
"Ah. That must be devastating. I never had a brother. The closest I've ever had was Soul, which is over the top ironic when you get into it... I'm sorry. For everything... Could you tell me what was in that research lab?"
  • #369
"More armor like this and a bunch of radar terminals and revived fossil pokemon."
  • #370
Eric gasped. "How quickly can we get there?"
  • #371
"5 minutes give or take a few."
  • #372
  • #373
"Just us?"
  • #374
"Grab Sky (Cough, @Skyshaymin cough) if you want."
  • #375
"Nah it will be faster without her." Azura said as he walked toward the base
  • #376
"Yeah okay," Eric said fiddling with one of his Pokeballs.
»It couldn't just be a considence...«
  • #377
"Here it is." They found a building in the middle of the jungle.
  • #378
"Well, let's go inside."
  • #379
As they walk inside they are ambushed and captured by the evil team. Dun...Dun...Duuuun.
  • #380
Eric glared at Azura. "You set this ambush up didn't you?"