• Thread starter Ritardando
  • Start date
  • #381
"No i swear to..." Slam! A grunt hit Azura in the back of the head with a rock. "So he did show up. He brought a friend to." N said as he walked out of the shadows.
  • #382
"What... It's you," Eric said his fists clenched recalling the small bits of memory he had from the crash. "What do you want?" He asked slowly reaching for a Pokeball.

<If only *Cough, @Skyshaymin cough* Sky was here...>
  • #383
"I merely want to chat right now, what I want afterwards depends on how our chat goes."
  • #384
"Well, let's chat. Where are we?"
  • #385
"Just off the coast of the Johto Region. You can go safely, no, we'll personally take you back safely if you hand over the legendary pokemon."
  • #386
"What legendary? I can't see any legendarys."
  • #387
"Don't try to hide it. We know you're hiding a Reshiram. Where is it?" N's faithful Zoroark scratches Eric's face ever so slightly.
  • #388
"Ohhhh... Him. Yeah just a sec," Eric muttered digging through Azura's bag and taking out an Ultra Ball.
"I've held up my side, you hold up yours," Eric said tossing the Pokeball at him.
  • #389
"OK Then." N turns and knocks on the pilot's door "Take us to Cianwood, You know where we're going"
  • #390
Azura sat up and grabbed the Ultra Ball. "Don't take my Mudkip!"
  • #391

Eric knocked Azura out as he took the Ultra Ball back and gave it to N. He sat in the seat and played around with the buttons until the plane took off.

"This is the greatest plan!" He sang.
  • #392

Azura knocked Eric out as he woke up. "Did you really think i had Blaze with me?"
  • #393
Eric was woke up the moment he hit the steering wheel as lights started blaring. "YOU IDIOT! I KNEW FROM THE BATTLE THAT BLAZE WAS IN A MASTER BALL! I GAVE HIM A BLOODY EMPTY ULTRA BALL! NOW WE ARE ALL GOING TO CRASH!"
  • #394
"No i've been flying the plane. Sure we are only a few inches above the water but we are not going to die tonight."
  • #395
N walked in. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah but we are a little heavy in the back, go check for any stowaways."

As N walked to the back Eric chuckled seizing the consle. "It would be incredibly bad if we DIDN'T have any stowaways." Eric the heard people shuffling around in the back along with a 'You are under arrest' and Looker, Maxie, Archie and Lance came out.
  • #396
"Hi friends!"
  • #397
"And bada bing bada boom! Everyone who enjoys living should evacuate."
  • #398
"Why? ..." Azura looked at Eric.
  • #399
"Kamakazi on the last known repair most likley a base coordnetes are locked."
  • #400
".............................Oh.........................................I'm out!" Azura jumped out out of the plane.