Mario Kart What is your favorite Mario Kart game?

  • Thread starter Catstew
  • Start date
  • #141
:thumbsup:Mario kart 7 because in online play my internet is fast and I can find players fast
  • #142
i like mario kart 7 . i mostly wait until night i dont know why but everyone hwo playse at
night gets a boost and puts more effort in.
  • #143
Mario kart double dash is my favorite mario kart 8/7 are really good to
  • #144
I don't know why but Mario Kart for the Wii has always been my favourite. Don't get me wrong, I've tried the other games like Mario kart 7 for the 3ds and Mario kart 8 for the Wii U but the Wii version is just the best! Since it was the first Mario Kart game I'd ever played, I wonder if that's why I love it so much!
  • #145
mariokart 7
  • #146
Mario Kart 7 was the best for me. It's like playing Mario Kart Wii anywhere. Mario Kart Wii is a close second. At best, in 1.5th place. Mario Kart DS is dead third. I know the DS couldn't do much but yeah, I prefer the other two.
  • #147
I definitely think it is the newest addition in the series... Mario Kart 8! With all the new characters and modes in it! And the online in this game is just amazing! When i first got it on my birthday my friends and i poped it in the wii u and i instantly fell in love with the game! Not only is it my favorite mario kart game but i think it is also my favorite wii u game in general. I definetly do not regret spending my birthday gift cards on it. And if you have a wii u but don't have this game yet... Go out and buy it now!
  • #148
For me is a very close match between Mario Kart DS and Mario Kart double dash wich had all new and cool characters that i liked and the double player mechanic was really fun when playing with friends i think double dash required strategy and concentration but DS was my first one and was really fun for me
  • #149
Mario Kart DS is one of the best in the series. I love how it introduced these things:
  • Retro Tracks. I loved that idea.
  • Mission Mode. It's a good mode and it really needs to return in Mario Kart 9!!!!!
  • I LOVED the tracks. They were great
I wish I had the game. However I might have 2 opinions:

My 2nd Favorite Mario Kart Game is Double Dash. I love the ideas of...
  • 2 Characters in 1 Kart
  • The Tracks, I love them!
  • #150
I love Mario Kart 7 and 8, although I don't have 8, from what I have played on there I really want it ;-; Mario Kart 7 provided many hours of entertainment for me although I didn't think there was a such thing as multiplayer on Mario Kart 7 because I was young and then just played single player the whole entire time lol I wish that I knew that since my friend also had ikt and I can't even imagine how fun it would be Dx
  • #151
Mario Kart DS is my favourite Mario Kart game,it brings back so much memories when I used to play Mario Kart with my cousins.And Rainbow Road was quite challenging back then.Mario Kart 7 is fine too but I still prefer the DS version better.I've never played Mario Kart 8 but it looks fun.
  • #152
My favorite Mario kart game would have to be the very first one I played.. Super Mario Kart for the SNES. I just think it paved the road for the rest of the MK games and because it was so basic in character and Level Design all ages could enjoy it! I was only 8 at the time that I played it and it was so much fun! The battle mode was the best, popping the balloons was fun and the glitch to sit in the pool of water on koopa island beach course and not get hit by red shells >.< that was the best part. I guess its just the nostalgia getting to me but IMHO it is the best MK game!!!

If you do not believe me, Go get the ROM and try it!!
  • #153
Double Dash!! 7 and 8 (basically the same game) and the OG Mario Kart
  • #154
Double Dash!! 7 and 8 (basically the same game) and the OG Mario Kart
I wouldn't really call it the same game. If anything, Mario Kart 7 is just Mario Kart Wii with a few new features. Mario Kart 8 is just so much more and it kinda saddens me that we may never see anything like it on the New 3DS. I hope so, though. Mario Kart 8 looks so fantastic.
  • #155
Mario Kart 7 !!
  • #156
The original Mario Kart game was the best in my opinion. But then again, the original Mario Kart really didn't have the most characters. Mario Kart 7 is a close second, but MK 8 just added waaaayyy too many vehicle modes. I will admit, it WAS fun flying through the air in the GameStop demo of the game :p
  • #157
Mario Kart Wii.
Best Mario Kart.
  • #158
I'd say DS, but then that would be me just praising the broken competitive nature of it, now would I? XD

But generally, I'd say that Mario Kart 7 and/or Mario Kart Double Dash was very inviting for me. I don't have Mario Kart Wii or 8, but I'm hoping that will change very soon so I can provide a legitimate feedback about this. For the time being, I'll stand by 7 or Double Dash.
  • #159
I actually like Mario Kart Wii. It was fun to play and it had a lot of carts to offer, such as the Mach Bikes, which are sort of tricky but very useful when drifting from a high angle. Even some of the tracks are great. For example, Maple Treeway and Koopa's Cape were spectacular and fun to play.
  • #160
I have to say Mario Kart Double dash for GameCube was my first and still favorite.