Mario Kart What is your favorite Mario Kart game?

  • Thread starter Catstew
  • Start date
  • #161
mario kart ds. i loved it, especially the multiplayer.
  • #162
DS was the best in my opinion. I liked it because of its stages and of course the memories I had while playing this.
  • #163
I liked Mario Kart DS, I played it with a couple of my buds. Later on (about 2 years later) I start emulating it on my phone using Drastic for Android, and started using cheat codes that would break the game sometimes. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • #164
I don't have Mario kart 8 so I'm gonna old school with Mario Kart 64
  • #165
I'd say Mario Kart DS. It was great, first one of the series to be in a portable console and the multiplayer was awesome! I was just around 10 years old when I got it and perhaps that's why I still remember it! It hold a special place in my heart and I would really like to play it again sometime, but I can't find the game card.:cry:
  • #166
Personally, my favorite mario kart game is mario kart ds. It was the mario kart game i grew up with next to double dash, but i still like ds better. Just like any other game, it has flaws. Some examples are; graphics are low(but its and ds game), also, there is litterally no meaning to the game. Its's just a bunch of characters racing for unknow reasons. But still i love mario kart DS.
  • #167
To be honest i'd only played 3 mario kart games.Mario Kart 8,Mario Kart 7 and Mario Kart ds.I like MK8 the best because it was just fun.It was a great experience and I got it for christmas.The first day i got the game i played with my sister and since she sucks at most games I beasted her and made her rage a little.I liked MK DS next because i loved it.It was my first Mario Kart to play.I really like at the end of grand prix you got that cool cutsceen.The battle was also a great mode ( better than MK8).
  • #168
my personal fave is mario kart 7!
  • #169
My favorite game is New super Mario bros for the DS. It brings back lots of memories when I was younger. Coincidental I just found the game today. :)
  • #170
Mario Kart 64, Wii and DS are easily the top three. I don't know which I want to go with though. 64 has the nostalgia, the best battle mode and some really memorable tracks. Wii has the best character selection and also features a great slew of tracks. I also enjoyed the motion and the motorcycles. DS had the best multiplayer with a wi-fi connection. Talk about intense! It also had a lot of karts to choose from. I really can't decide! Hoping that 8 will be as great as it looks because I didn't enjoy 7 as much as I thought I would
  • #171
Mario Kart 64 and Mario Kart 8. I know this may be a little biast but Mario Kart 64 is my first mario kart game and I love it. I know the graphics are really bad but it is fun to play and to look at. It is part of the experience, and I love how long rainbow road is. It's a little upsetting that they changed that in Mario Kart 8, but I can't really complain because the remix is sooo awesome. Mario Kart 8 is also awesome. The great graphics really immerses you in the game. Also the track design is great! I really love how they used the anti-gravity mechanic. I wish the character roster was more balanced from the start though. There were some characters I want in the game that I wanted from the start (and some are still not in). Such as: King Boo, Dry Bowser, Funky Kong, and Diddy Kong. Also Pink-Gold peach, Tanoki Mario, and Cat Peach are the stupidist characters ever. We really don't 4 versions of mario in the game (metal mario, mario, tanoki mario, and baby mario) or 4 versions of peach (peach, pink gold peach, cat peach, baby peach.
  • #172
My favorite Mario Kart game was Mario Kart Wii because of the substantial amount of unlockable characters and karts. I am also a fan of Mario Kart Arcade GX because you could play as Pac-Man characters and Cranky and Dixie Kong, and there was also a special two player kart in which one player drives and the other shoots projectiles at the opponents. In my opinion, Mario Kart 64 was not as impressive as the other Mario Kart games.
  • #173
My favorite Mario Kart game is Mario Kart DS. I played it when no one showed up online in my friend list for Pokemon Diamond. After several races, I would normally check Pokemon Diamond again to see if anyone came online for a battle, :D (the majority of players showed up at night here). Mario Kart: Double Dash!! is my all time favorite Mario kart game. I have so many memories with the game, like playing it with friends at night over my house, and it was my first Mario Kart game I ever played. There might be a Double Dash!! mode in Mario Kart 8, and I'm really pumped for that.
  • #174
Mine would have to be DS or 7. Ds because it was the first Mario kart I ever had and I was mind blown every time. 7 because it was the first with gliders and the tracks are so good!
  • #175
I really enjoy Mario Kart 8 because of all the features and new items, but my favorite is Double Dash. I grew up with it, and I really like the 2 people feature. I wish they would make another game like it, it was absolutely incredible, and an HD remix or a Double Dash 2 would be great, or at least, a mode that lets you do something double. Ya know?
  • #176
MK7 for the Online
  • #177
I really love the handling of the drift in MK7... it's so precise it's almost as if you're actually controlling the kart with your hands or something of the sort.
  • #178
Double Dash was pretty cool, and Mario Kart 7 is about the same. I've unlocked everything in MK7, but not sure about Double Dash :/

Playing MK7 online was (and still is) really fun. The only part I didn't like was when my 3DS disconnected due to a weak connection. :)
  • #179
My Favorite would have to be Mario Kart DS it was one of my first ds games when I was five and I still have it I enjoyed online game play i did it all the time and i was never bored with all the new competition it was amazing i still have the game in good condition to this day and i still play it but my internet router broke :(
  • #180
i love mario kart on the dsi