What's your favorite color...Rupee?

  • Thread starter Nuke
  • Start date
  • #61
In order of favorites: Blue(fav color), Green; the basic, Red, Orange, Purple.
  • #62
Red rupee! IT'S DA BEST!
  • #63
The purple or gold ones are my favorite
  • #64
  • #65
lol I don't have a fav color rupee but I always go for the classic green :p
  • #66
  • #67
My favorite color rupee would probably be the wide red one that appears only in The Legend of Zelda : Minish Cap and 4 Swords . I really really liked that feeling of getting one in a chest because it is worth just so many ( 200 ) that it was really really satisfying to get one . Especially when you have that double rupee syndrome thing :D
  • #68
oooh, I really like the blue ones. blue is one of my favourite colors in general. When you smash pots, cat grass, destroy stones or enemies, you are always happy, when it doesn't result in a single, green rupee but a shiny, sapphire-like blue rupee~:giggle:
But when I open treasures I defenitely prefer at least purple rupees. The more, the better! :woot:
  • #69
My favorite rupee is the purple rupee. Purple isn't my favorite color but I can find them in most dungeons. It is so satisfying when you find them and the music plays when you find an item in a small chest. I can't tell how many time that rupee filled up my wallet, making me a rich person in Hyrule
  • #70
It depends on which Legend of Zelda I am playing that determines my favorite color rupee. For instance, if I'm playing Ocarina of Time, my favorite color rupee is the orange rupee, but if I'm playing Wind Waker, my favorite color then becomes the silver rupee. The algorithm behind my preference of color is solely the value of each rupee from game to game. :p
  • #71
my favorites are the black ones. :sneaky: (i'm in yo grass- takin yo rupees~)
  • #72
I personally like the rupoors, wait...don't you mean YouPoor! Hark hark hak...I so funny....
But yea, I personally like the black rupees the most, they are mysterious and cause curiosity when they form...like me. I am a mysterious person...
  • #73
and we can't forget the ones on the like-likes :sneaky:
  • #74
Red Rupee because they look or maybe sound like what is Rupee actually looks like but I thought Green would make it an Emerald but I guess I was wrong :p The red is slightly uncommon and not too rare so it is my favorite because you got to see it, unlike other super rare color Rupees :d
  • #75
I like the Blue rupee the best cause it's my Favorite color
  • #76
My favorite Rupee color is the orange one. It looked nice and clean to me and in LOZ Twilight Princess it gave you 100 rupees if my memory serves me right. Another that looks good to me is ye old green. It's another of my favorites , along with orange it looked clean to me. Those are my favorite rupee colors.
  • #77
I liked the silver rupees just cause I kinda sorta maybe like silver
  • #78
I like silver rupees because it reminds me of Pokémon Silver and it's worth alot
  • #79
I like silver rupees because it reminds me of Pokémon Silver and it's worth alot
  • #80
White, white, white! It's so . . . White... Then purple :3 (Caushe purple ish kewl :3), and den I don't know 0: GREEN! Yush, gween is so courful :3 And Green :3