Clash of the Queens!

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  • #81
I guess I'll go find a character that I look like?
  • #82
I just drew my character XD similar to what I look like just darker brown my hairs a dark close to brown dirty blond green eyes my eyes are hazel more brown than green I wear glasses Queen Ethereal does not my hairstyle is different as well my bangs are off to one side unlike Queen Ethereals
@ToxicWolf1132 if u give me a Discription of "Queen" Toxic ill draw Him for you as well as try to draw his weapon which ill also need to know what it looks like XD
  • #83
Me in Kawaii face: images (33).jpg
My Weapon:download (45).jpg
  • #84
Looks like Sora to me expect Queen Ethereal to be curious of him like every other nobody sora met except she wont try to use him like other certain nobodys did XD hopefully sora doesn't find out Queen Ethereal's a nobody who know what the reaction to that would be XD
  • #85
Looks like Sora to me expect Queen Ethereal to be curious of him like every other nobody sora met except she wont try to use him like other certain nobodys did XD hopefully sora doesn't find out Queen Ethereal's a nobody who know what the reaction to that would be XD
He was ok with Axel, Roxas and Namine, so why wouldn't he be ok with you too?
  • #86
He was ok with Axel, Roxas and Namine, so why wouldn't he be ok with you too?
Hmmph because he's on To ice side XD
  • #87
Name: Porkron
Gender: Male
Personality: silent but very knowledgeable, easily "friends"
Allegiance (what side you wanna join): Team Etheral
Skill (NO OP CRAP LIKE INVINSIBILITY ): Extensive knowledge
Weapon: Iron broadsword
Preferred Job: Healer
  • #88
Oh we need a healer XD accepted XD
  • #89
Name: "Wandering shield" Ethan

Gender: Male

Personality: come and go as pleased, mysterious and tend to do thing on his own interest.

Allegiance (what side you wanna join): join Queen Toxic's side on a whim after he heard of the upcoming war.

Skill (NO OP CRAP LIKE INVINSIBILITY ): create an invisible spherical shield 2 M. In diameter can withstand even a catapult shot for a considerable amount of time.

Weapon: a mysterious thick worn out book he carry around, rumor said its a magic book but is just a ground less rumor.

Preferred Job: none in particular.

Ethan is look like a middle aged man with a bit of gray hair mix with his black hair, have a pretty sturdy build and alway have a smile on his face.

ps. For battle i think use a game to decided will be really unfair for some so i think we should just stick to a most "realistic" way by considering the weapon, personality etc, for the battle.

ps2. I suggest any "strategic meeting" should be done in pm with only involved team member, and maybe, a spy in action. We wont like someone in battle field know what are peoples in the castle are talking would we?

Ps3. Please postpone the starting time to next week, to be exact, on 4th next month. Or if you cant wait please progress as slowly as possible be cuz my 'net suck. :p
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  • #90
Sir Montifer Hitzeman the Third
Gets along with everyone and likes to sleep(like a cat)
Queen Ethereals side
I'm good at music
I guess a bowgun like dark pits is my weapon
I would want to be a squire or a musician
  • #91
EDIT: my music is so good it can make people fall asleep or get them to tell me secret information BTW. So I could be a soy or infiltrator as my job too
  • #92
i'm in
Name: @NormalNinja
Gender: Male
Personality: Really pacient (a.k.a. can recon in the same place holding still for days)
Allegiance (what side you wanna join): Queendom of Nothingness
Skill (NO OP CRAP LIKE INVINSIBILITY ): Master of evasion and stealth (smoke bombs, decoys, stuff like that...) and mains Lucina :D
Weapon: Dart Gun (just a fancy tube that allows me to shoot various darts)
Preferred Job: Spy/Scout
lemme edit some stuff:
Skill (NO OP CRAP LIKE INVINSIBILITY ): Master of evasion and stealth (smoke bombs, decoys, stuff like that...), interrogation and mains Lucina :D
Weapon: Throwing knifes and said smoke bombs, decoys and stuff like that
  • #93
Ok we r uneven again Toxic needs one more but has Yoshi signed up yet
Sir Montifer Hitzeman the Third
Gets along with everyone and likes to sleep(like a cat)
Queen Ethereals side
I'm good at music
I guess a bowgun like dark pits is my weapon
I would want to be a squire or a musician
  • #94
  • #95
Oh, right, need to show what I look like;
Can't find a good picture of a Metroid wearing a crown, so just imagine an over sized Metroid wearing Good King Moogle Mog's crown;
  • #96
i think i can join
Name: Raxter (can i be called that way here?)
Gender: Male
Personality: shy most of the time, is outgoing with people he trusts, always tries to go unnoticed, to the point that he sometimes comes out of nowhere like a ninja, sly, cunning, loyal, polite, serious... Very serious.
Allegiance (what side you wanna join): Toxic's Side
Skill:i hope this is not too op: scream of dispair: screams(like skull kid from majora's mask) stunning the opponent and releasing a barrage of 72 attacks; this has 40% chance of taking out the opponent and 10% chance of going down with them; for that someone chooses 4 numbers from 1 to 10, with 3 of those numbers i take out the oponent and live, the 4th number let's me take out the oponent but i die from recoil damage, and with the other 6 the oponent takes damage but still lives, i can only use it as last resort (never at the beginning).
Ends of the earth & Fernir (with sych blade):
Ends_of_the_Earth_KHBBS.png 200px-Fenrir_KHII.png
Preferred Job: Tactician, spy
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  • #97
Only 3 or 4 people left!
  • #98
Only 3 or 4 people left!
Actually as soon as Yoshi makes a form out we will be equal on both sides XD and man there are so many keyblade weilders on Toxics side XD
  • #99
Actually as soon as Yoshi makes a form out we will be equal on both sides XD and man there are so many keyblade weilders on Toxics side XD
Toxic's army is KH fandom... RUN!!!
  • #100
Actually as soon as Yoshi makes a form out we will be equal on both sides XD and man there are so many keyblade weilders on Toxics side XD
Don't worry about a thing! I have both Oblivion and Oathkeeper!