Favorite Pokemon?

  • Thread starter Matthew
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  • #241
I love deoxys he looks so cool plus he has 4 different forms so when I'm bored of one I change to another plus even though I don't have it shiny deoxys looks so cool:p
  • #242
I like pikachu. Hes cute and his voice is so kawaii :3 in terms of coolness i like raquaza
  • #243
  • #244
Age old topic. What's your favorite Pokemon? You've answered it a million times, and probably don't want to answer it again.

However, in this topic, share a story about your favorite Pokemon. It can be anything from the show to a dream to imagination to the game.

I'll go first.

My favorite Pokemon is Blastoise and Alakazam. I've had the same Blastoise and Alakazam for over 10 years, and they've moved from game to game with me.
My favorite pokemon is Charizard because his shiny is so awesome
  • #245
My favourite Pokemon is Spinda.......
It looks so drunk and derpy also its Superpower with the ability Contrary is just OP
  • #246
  • #247
Jigglypuff is the best.I love him/her.It's just so cute:p lol no jk Ditto forever!!!!
  • #248
my favorite pokemon is lucario no doubt. But i mean specifically the one from lucario and the mystery of mew. Hes my favorite pokemon for several reasons. 1. because he can talk. 2. because he can sense aura. 3. Because in ssbb and ssb4 he grows stronger as he gets hurt. He is truly a superb pokemon and an all around great fighter.
  • #249
Hydreigon because of its typing. I mean it is literally a dragon of darkness.
  • #250
my favorite pokemon has got to be shiny. The shiny pokemon are awesome. I would like shiny Dialga the most.
  • #251
  • #252
  • #253
Lucario has been my favorite since platinum/diamond/pearl came out.
  • #254
Lucario has been my favorite since platinum/diamond/pearl came out.
so i think u love mega-lucario
  • #255
  • #256
I'm a hipster for this…but my favorite pokemon is Spiritomb.

I always have liked ghost types…but when I saw what Cynthia sent out first in the Sinnoh championship, it was love at first sight XD. One of my favorite colors is purple, I love dark, I love ghost, and because of this Spiritomb is amazing. I also love his competitive usage in battling too!
  • #257
Zekrom and Absol. I have Zekrom on my Pokédex. For those of you who don't know, Zekrom is a Dragon/Lightning type, and Absol is Dark type.
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  • #258
Ahh, i've got to go with Grovyle and Jigglypuff. Grovyle was a great character in mystery dungeon and it was my first pokemon when i got saphire, Grovyle is still with me in X/Y, it hasn't and never will evolve into Sceptile, and Jigglypuff, my main in brawl even though it was a joke, I still had love for it, ever since its first anime aperance, and I loved when it beat up all the Clefairy,I set that as my desktop wallpaper, also it's Hoenn anime apperance was great. I still love being it in SSB4. It's to hard to decide between the two.
  • #259
definately mew. it was after all what originally made pokemons sales go up. at first, when pkmn red and green were released, sales were only modest. but when coro coro announced a legendary distribution giving mew away to 20 entrants, over 70,000 people entered, making the sales highly increase. it really is all thanks to mew that pkmn and its sales went up. and also, due to the amazing sales, thats when pkmn blue came out!!!! and thats when pokemon flooded japan, soon the us, and then sold the world!!!! :D
  • #260
My favorite Pokemon is Slaking. Slaking is slow, but very powerful. All though his ability Truant is terrible, I usually use Giga Impact because of the ability.