Favorite Pokemon?

  • Thread starter Matthew
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  • #401
my favorite pokemon depend on were you talk in front of water its sharpedo. in anime and in my heart its probably mewtwo. in other case including game its Gardevoir and mega gardevoir
  • #402
Typhlosion is life. c:
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  • #403
Rayquaza and castform while castform is kinda useless it's still a fun pokemon
  • #404
My favorite Pokemon is mega Charzard Y form.
  • #405
Mareep. What can i say, I just love sheep. This isnt a pokemon story, this is a real life story. I have moved between the US and New Zealand 3 or so times, and i love NZ. One thing you will find in NZ, sheep. Lots of sheep in australia and NZ. So it makes sense that in the US, i like sheep, as they remind me of the good old days in NZ. So, I love a good Mareep. Not to mention it evolves into a powerhouse electric pokemon, ampharos.
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  • #406
Age old topic. What's your favorite Pokemon? You've answered it a million times, and probably don't want to answer it again.

However, in this topic, share a story about your favorite Pokemon. It can be anything from the show to a dream to imagination to the game.

I'll go first.

My favorite Pokemon is Blastoise and Alakazam. I've had the same Blastoise and Alakazam for over 10 years, and they've moved from game to game with me.
Blaziken for me, since it made it´s debut in the anime
  • #407
In terms of fighting, though, i like kangaskhan. Mega evolve it, and it has parental bond. Then you can pound your enemy to a pulp with power up punch. I also like snorunt, mainly cuz i like the episode of the anime with snorunt in it. not to mention its cute as a kitten.
  • #408
In terms of fighting, though, i like kangaskhan. Mega evolve it, and it has parental bond. Then you can pound your enemy to a pulp with power up punch. I also like snorunt, mainly cuz i like the episode of the anime with snorunt in it. not to mention its cute as a kitten.
Well, Kangaskhan started to be more popular when her mega Evolution was announced
  • #409
Well, Kangaskhan started to be more popular when her mega Evolution was announced
kanghaskhan is such a cool pokemon. i like how it runs that storage in mystery dungeon. That is a great game, i may have to get more into it soon. But yeah, i love knaghaskhan. Kangaskhan and mareep for the win theyre so terrific. kangaskhan is epic, mareep gives me memorys. kang and mareep for the win!=^^=
  • #410
kanghaskhan is such a cool pokemon. i like how it runs that storage in mystery dungeon. That is a great game, i may have to get more into it soon. But yeah, i love knaghaskhan. Kangaskhan and mareep for the win theyre so terrific. kangaskhan is epic, mareep gives me memorys. kang and mareep for the win!=^^=
You´re right about that one haha
  • #411
I have alot of favorites, some whose 2nd forms I love more than their final forms. What I would change about any of them would be to make them more dangerous and aggressive looking, not the kid friendly/girl friendly fun versions we get now...

Digimon im not saying has better or worst art design but atleast their stuff starts to look mean and aggressive and ready to fight the higher in evolution they get.
  • #412
I just love Goomy, I don't know what it is about is but it's just really cute. And the Pokedex calling it weak makes me feel sorry for it. I think the main reason I love it is because I love small mons, like Joltik and Mudkip
  • #413
I would have to say Gengar. I'm not really sure why I have always liked him so much but I just have. I guess it is a nostalgia thing, because one of my best memories was first being introduced to him.

When I was a kid I collected those Pokeball keychains with the Pokemon inside. Good times, haha. Well I always looked in the toy section at stores to see what they had because I was collecting them. I looked everywhere for Gengar, and it took me forever to find him.

I finally did when my family was visiting a beach around 40 miles from where I live. I found him in the Walmart there. Ironically, another day at that same beach was playing around with the Pokeball at a hotel over the water. I accidentally dropped it into the water and lost him forever. It was pretty sad, lol. But I just hoped one day someone far away would find it (probably not) haha. Anyways, later on I was able to find him online so the story has a happy ending.

I love Pikachu too, so those are two of my favorites.
  • #414
My favorite one right now is Espeon. I love it's purple design and the little dot thingy between its forehead. It's one majestic looking pokemon. I also have one on my team currently and it sweeps amazingly :D
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  • #415
I just love all flying Pokemon equally, but my favorite would have to be Togekiss. I always thought Togepi was just adorable, and then when Togetic evolves into Togekiss, you get haxamillion power! (provided you have Serene Grace, T-wave, and Air Slash). I also love the way Togekiss looks as well. and, it's a bird, and as I stated, I love flying Pokemon. :3
  • #416
My favorite has been Gallade for the longest time (used to be Ledian, but I got less opportunities to use him as time went on).
Idk, I always had the idea that I would be fighting alongside my pokemon rather than just commanding them. So humanoid pokemon like Gallade and Greninja (?) always appealed to me. Plus, I always thought the Ralts line was a pretty interesting idea for pokemon, so I always have one on my team.

Now if we're just going for cute factor, give me Emolga or Mudkip. Those guys are adorable.
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  • #417
My favourite Pokemon has to be either Magcargo or Altaria. They are both really underrated and can definitely put in work if used correctly on a team with a lot of support. They have very good stats that are looked down upon because there are better Pokemon to replace them
  • #418
my favorite pokemon is eevee because it was the rarest pokemon in terms of catching and that it evolves into many different things that will help you in your types of need such as HMs. It practically the only pokemon that has more than 2 evolutions into different types and in the old days you can't catch one LOL:banghead:
  • #419
My favorite Pokemon would have to be Dragonite. It all started when I challenged the Pokemon League back in Pokemon Red. The Dragon Type Leader had used Dragonite which had caught my interest. When I got into competitive battling, I explored Dragonite and its stats and it turned out that he would really be a big help in my battle team. Although, his ice weakness is a really big problem that I run into, his ability Multiscale helps out. Also, extreme speed on Dragonite was another really helpful move on him as he can use a strong priority move. Dragonite is truly amazing.
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  • #420
My favourite is Jolteon And my legendary favourite is Dialga