Favorite Pokemon?

  • Thread starter Matthew
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  • #421
my favorite pokemon would have to be charizard and swampert
  • #422
I'd go for Torterra or Porygon... Turtwig was technically my first Pokémon since I started with Pokémon games, but Porygon is just a cool Pokémon... I can't decide bewtween the two.
  • #423
I have always loved Shuckle because one time, I was battling the Elite four in AS and my shuckle was my last pokemon for the first guy and Shuckle lasted until the Ice girl. It could also be because it can deal over 481 MILLION DAMAGE and it has the highest Defense and Special Defense of any Pokemon.
  • #424
I really enjoy Victini. It may be where it's a fire/psychic or the fact that I love cute Pokemon. Regardless, Victini is an overall cool Pokemon. It definitely deserves legendary status.
  • #425
My favourite pokemon is shiny umbreon.this pokemon is closed to my heart as it was my frist shiny pokemon not even this i almost hacth more than 1000!! eggs to get shiny evevee. Those ring like pattern look so good on shiny umbreon.This pokemon also have good moveset and i wish that that it may got mega evolution.now tell about your favourite pokemon.
  • #426
The "yellow mouse"? xD

Well, when I get my N64, I get the Pokemon edition, so Pikachu all the way for me! haha
  • #427
(I don't really have a favorite but if I had to pick... I would choose Infernape and Buizel ( :eek: 2)! Infernape 'cause he was the final evolution of my first pokemon and performs extremely well competitively. Buizel was the first Pokemon I trained to level 100 and I still have him now in ORAS!
  • #428
My favorite Pokemon from the anime are Charizard and Mew. Charizard because despite how he treated Ash he still really cared for him and Mew it seemed so light hearted in the first movie regardless of the surrounding chaos.
My favorite Pokemon from the game are Jolteon and Luxray by far, no idea why though :p
  • #429
my favorite pokemon is umbreon ! By looks , my favorite pokemon is shiny jumpluff , pink power ahah
and best pokemon to compete is mega gengar at the moment , being a death trap ! :D
  • #430
My favourite is Bulbasaur and the evos. My very first pokémon ever so it's kinda my favourite ever :3
  • #431
I think it's fairly obvious what my favourite pokemon is. ololol
I actually hated it in the beginning, but one day, I made a dupe for this other forum I was in because I got banned (This was like 7 years ago). I had to make myself look less suspicious so I chose bidoof as my username. No one ever suspects bidoof.
Plus bidoof op. He's in ubers you know. ;o
  • #432
My favourite Pokemon is Entei! I've loved Entei ever since I watched his Pokemon movie back when I was younger. I have him in my game (woohoo!) but he doesn't always obey me because he's a level 46 and I can't control those Pokemons yet. I have four Pokemons that I can't control. :eek:
  • #433
Well my favourite Pokémon is Empoleon, when i saw piplup for the first time in the anime, i started to love him so much, and when i saw his final form i was just like "whoa". i like gengar too, it's one of the best 1st gen pkmn tbh :)
  • #434
my grondon and shiny charazard there my best pokemon i love em bolth there grate pokemon i love them and i don't want to get kyoger and play as just likke i playd or and i love my charazard's flame thrower and it's my best move for him and grodon's over heat thoes are my 2 beat and favret pokemon i love em both and i think you should try the pokemon
  • #435
My fav pokemon is pikachu just because... obama... Really its just so cute and so small and its a mouse cute factor exploded eh? also jolteon like a cat/doggy/fox so much to cuddle and its yellow,charmander, honedge, doublade ,agislash why cant normal animals be pokemon :(
  • #436
I absolutely love Treecko or Frosslass. Grass Type and Ice/Ghost Type pokemon are really great pokemon in my opinion. Grass types always have status problem moves that really irritate me but are really useful. I remember the first time I went head to head with a grass type and it paralyzed me and I was so angry for an hour because I couldn't move. Frosslass I have to commend for the incredible speed/agility stat. When Candice first showed me Frosslass I was in love, it's a really elegant looking pokemon (besides Gardevoir). As well Ice type moves are really risky because being frozen solid sucks most of the time without an Ice heal (which I have a habit of).
*Treecko was the the first pokemon I ever got in Pokemon mystery dungeon and paired with Totodile I had an incredible team.*
  • #437
My favorite pokemon, Infernape. The times it came through for me in Pkmn Diamond were just amazing, and watching how good it was in the anime when i was younger was pretty cool. I also love using it competitively. Number 2 on my list is Eelektross. I know, weird mon. I just love how unique and versatile this thing is, and I made sure to use it on my BW2 team after I saw it against Ghetsis.
  • #438
My favourite Pokemon is Breloom. On Emerald i caught a Shroomish and I wasn't overly excited with it but when it evolved I really liked Breloom and it helped me win against Wallace (those good old memories). I also like Breloom as it has access to spore and has one of my favourite abilites Technician :D
  • #439
I love the Evolution of oshawott but I love. Samourott. I think this is because he was my first steongest pokemon i ever had!!! He has a sword like horn which makes him look majestic and powerfull!!! I love water types overalll but im Keen on xerneaus as she/it looks wedelnd!!!!
  • #440
I've always been fascinated by ho-oh,dunno,i like its concept and mystery xD