Favorite Pokemon?

  • Thread starter Matthew
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  • #601
Treecko is my favorite, as I have been a fan of leaf-types for years. Also, I love reptiles. Not to mention Treecko's plush and lovable face and ninja-like reflexes. Oh, I just wanna have a cuddwy wuddwy Tweecko!! > 3 <
  • #602
Age old topic. What's your favorite Pokemon? You've answered it a million times, and probably don't want to answer it again.

However, in this topic, share a story about your favorite Pokemon. It can be anything from the show to a dream to imagination to the game.

I'll go first.

My favorite Pokemon is Blastoise and Alakazam. I've had the same Blastoise and Alakazam for over 10 years, and they've moved from game to game with me.
My favorite Pokemon has to be Deoxys hands down. He is a very powerful opponent with different forms having different specialties. The design gives him a sleek and threatening look. Deoxys definitely needs a Mega Evolution.
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  • #603
Everything about Blastoise is amazing. Love at first sight when I saw Blastoise in the cartoon as a kid.
  • #604
Mine is Magikarp
  • #605
  • #606
It really depends on in which Category you're asking
Bulbasaur is my general favorite
but Glalie is my favorite competitive
His Freeze-Dry can be deadly!!
  • #607
At the moment I would maybe say Sylveon. I know it's kind of lame hopping on the fairy type band wagon but I just find Sylveon to be a really nice looking pokemon to me that has a really nice design to it. I know it probably isn't exactly the best at competitive play but sometimes you just gotta work with what you got. I would love it if the creators made a ghost type eeveelution, that would be awesome no doubt about it! I would think of it as a mix between ghastly and eevee as weird as that sounds.
  • #608
My favorite Pokemon besides Pikachu is Dragonite. Just beating him is hard in itself and Dragon Dance Outrage is really painful in competitive play.
  • #609
I have a new favorite that I have been obsessed with this past week and it's Magikarp. For some reason I had been catching this Pokémon and saving it as my desktop for my computer. I don't know why that is but it's my new favorite
  • #610
My favorite pokemon is mega Lucario. Mega Lucarion is my favorite because his look in game is super awesome, he can be so versatile in battle, his movepool is semi- deep and he has saved me so many times when I was battling on the battle spot in Pokemon Y.
  • #611
My favourite mon is Ampharos. It is especially tanky and can tae even an earthquake ver well whilst mega. It learns cotton guard and can troll with T- Wave. And of course it's my Mascot.. Tee Hee
  • #612
I am the most casual Pokemon trainer you can find. All of my favorite Pokemon are unreliable for tournaments such as Pachirisu, Emolga, Minun, and even Eevee.
  • #613
My favorite pokemon is Slowbro because he was the backbone of my nuzlocke
  • #614
I'll give you my top Threes in three different category

Fav pokemon: (1) Garchomp (2) Lucario (3) Zoroark

Fav Legendary: (1) Dialga (2) Reshiram (3) Victini

Fav Starters: (1) Inernape (2) Charizard (shut up) (3) Empoleon
  • #615
My favorite Pokemon is Braviary. Not only was his pre-evolution, Rufflet, the very first shiny I ever caught (emphasis on CAUGHT), but his ability Sheer Force is too good to pass up.
  • #616
My favorite Pokemon is Kamgaskhan. I like Kangaskhan because he is a powerhouse who has decent overall stats (In my opinion) and has the ability to Mega evolve. I always sweep with Bulk Up/Focus Washed Focus Punch OMG that bulk tho too!
  • #617
In just favorite wise mine is charizard he is the Pokemon I first ever picked in my whole Pokemon playing life because I first played fire red because I picked fire red you asked when I was a kid I guess I preceded a fire looking dragon instead a plant with worst on it nobody on the cover and I picked charmander in the game and always transferred my charizard LV.100 from fire red from fire red to emerald to diamond to platinum to soul silver to black to black 2 to y then I transformed my charizard lv.100 my lastoise lv.100 my Venasaur my typhlosuon 100 my sceptile100 infernape100 samurott100serperior 100 and greninja 100
To Pokemon alpha sapphire! And in competitive wise aighslash.
  • #618
Age old topic. What's your favorite Pokemon? You've answered it a million times, and probably don't want to answer it again.

However, in this topic, share a story about your favorite Pokemon. It can be anything from the show to a dream to imagination to the game.

I'll go first.

My favorite Pokemon is Blastoise and Alakazam. I've had the same Blastoise and Alakazam for over 10 years, and they've moved from game to game with me.

My personal favorite pokemon are ursaring beartic and pangoro I always loved bears as a kid and tediursa being my first card I started loving the bear pokemon.
  • #619
I would have to say my favorite Pokemon are:
Pikachu: First Pokemon I caught in Fire Red
Lucario: I loved Lucario's movie, it was awesome
Zoroark: I liked Zoroark's movie too, it was amazing.
Mewtwo: Ever since Fire Red, when I caught Mewtwo, I was so excited to use it on my team.
  • #620
Treecko is my favorite, as I have been a fan of leaf-types for years. Also, I love reptiles. Not to mention Treecko's plush and lovable face and ninja-like reflexes. Oh, I just wanna have a cuddwy wuddwy Tweecko!! > 3 <
yeah treeko is cool but im sorry I have to be a pokemon type Nazi its grass type not leaf type