Favorite Pokemon?

  • Thread starter Matthew
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  • #661
My favorite Pokemon would have to be...Togepi! It's just so cute and adorable! I loved the little side story getting it in HeartGold. I always used her in my party but since she was level one that late in the game I had to put her first and then instantly switch out so she can get experience because I didn't have the EXPShare yet.
  • #662
my favorite pokemon is dragonite and chandelure. dragonite physically hits hard, but also has pretty decent special attack. his defenses are quite high due to his moderately high health, defense, and special defense. his multiscale ability and yache berry when present makes it impossible to one hit ko him at the beginning of a battle. chandelure has the highest special attack of any non legendary pokemon. however his health and defenses are aren't high enough to withstand more than two hits. however, if chandelure were to be choice scarfed or focus sashed, he could at least knock out 2 pokemon before fainting.
  • #663
My bro Petordhi Jr (typhlosion)
  • #664
Reshiram is AWESOME. I love his design and animations.
He is also super powered.
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  • #665
As for me, My favorite pokemon is Pikachu :). In all pokemon games i try to find a Pikachu and training him at the level 100. i really like this pokemon ;)
  • #666
Reshiram is AWESOME. I love his design and animations.
He is also super powered.
Yeah Reshiram is Awesome! Cool Design, Cool Cry and Great Animations!
  • #667
My favorite Pokemon would have to be Charmander. I don't know why, but there's something so nice about choosing a Chamander in Pokemon XY and in Gen 1. I guess it's just because I like dragons and I also like fire types. I have a Charmander that I trained all the way to Charizard from X and Y and I wouldn't trade it for anything. He's my lifelong pal and I'll never let him go (I say this even though technically he's a line of coding in a game haha I'm crazy apparently).
  • #668
My favorite pokemon is lucario
  • #669
My favorite pokemon is, of course, raticate. But I also really like Excadrill when it comes to Wifi battles. To be honest, I have a lot of favorites. :)
  • #670
My Favorite Pokemon is Probably Blastoise or Charizard. Love them originals but I also like Greninja's design as well
  • #671
My favorite pokemon are those 2: Torkoal, Lumineon. Torkoal is cool ,calm and is the Fire Pokemon with the most defense in all metagame, Lumineon because its a magic fish and his colors are interesting, i hope in the future they get a mega evolution.
Torkal is boss
  • #672
My favourite Pokemon would have to be loppuny! When I first heard about loppuny having a new mega evolution, I squealed and literally wet myself (kinda embarrassing now that I say it out loud...) my parents thought I was having a seizure. Haha.. Sorry mom, Sorry dad. But loppuny getting a mega is awesome! It has fake out which has always been one of my favourite moves! It's just sooo good! I find mega loppuny to be a faster form of mega kangaskhan for some reason. I really don't know.
  • #673
My favorite is Scizor... that thing is 100% pure power and there is no arguing that like come on choice scarfed u-turn or even choice scarfed xscizzor, there are so many different ev spreads you can put on this thing! come on whoever has never tried out this beast for a pokemon must go get their pokemon game and try it out now! you can thank me later. And if i had to choose a second place it would defenitley be Greninja!
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  • #674
A tie between Dragonite, Shuckle, or Heracross. I almost always use these guys on my competitive teams ands they are usually the all star players.
  • #675
I also really love Togekiss! It pretty much invented para flinch and it can be used so many different ways. From Specail Defensive Tank to a Pur offensive power house:rotfl:. I currently have an offensive Togekiss on my team now, but I'm thinking that a special defensive wall would be a better suit to my doubles team:p! I like pairing my Mega Lopunny with my Togekiss, but I don't know why. I just seems to really work for me and it's really fun using that combination! Ya, Togekiss is good.
  • #676
My favorite pokemon is trecko because i remember in the series that ash had a trecko and he was so cool
  • #677
My favourite pokemon Lucario and it's mega evolution just GLORIOUS


Darkrai has it all... creepiness with awesomeness and least to say Dark Void followed by dream eater with the ability that drains hp of the sleeping pokemon ❤
  • #678
My favorite is probably Bulbasaur or Eevee, Bulbasaur cause he's really cute XD and I've loved him since I first watched the first pokemon movie. And Eevee because of her uniqueness, the hardest decision I ever had to make in pokemon was what to evolve her into XD and it still is... Gardevoir would be number 3 on my list, because I find her cute ._.
  • #679
Crobat is a very fierce competitor when I comes to competitive play. You may not realize but Crobat actually have more killing/fainting potential than Talonflame! Crobats Base 90 attack is higher than talonflame's and its base 130 speed makes it faster than Talonflame, even with Gale wings. It's pretty OP with the moves Brave Bird and Cross poison.
It also carries Defog and taunt which are very useful moves as well.
  • #680
My favorite Pokemon is probably Corsola, Banette, Samurott or Typhlosion (I know they're a lot but I couldn't decide).
Idk why I like Corsola, when I first saw it I thought it was really hard to catch because I didn't have any ultra balls, so when I did I felt good. I also think the idea of a coral Pokemon was really original.
I like Banette because I think it's story is cool and shuppet is so cute.
I use Samurott and Typhlosion a lot so they're very special to me.