Favorite Pokemon?

  • Thread starter Matthew
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  • #681
Mine has to be Palkia. He's the cover Pokemon for Pearl. I really like the look of him and he reminded be of my favorite movie monster, Godzilla. Also the encounter and battle I had with him was epic. I had captured him at 1 HP and danced on my bed.
  • #682
Mine would be Charizard because both of its mega evolutions are really cool, it has an awesome shiny form, and it has a cute 1st form.
  • #683
Scolipede has proven its self to be awesome in competitive play! I mainly use it as a baton passer. It carries the moves: iron defence, baton pass, megahorn, and toxic spikes/toxic. I use this in single battles BTW. I start by using iron defence a couple of times to make my defence skyrocket, plus with speed boost, my speed gets very high as well. After that I'll either baton pass into my weakness policy tyranitar or set up some toxic spikes. Scolipede can be very awesome if used correctly ^^
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  • #684
My favorite pokemon is Greninja because it has really good speed and sp.atk! It looks awesome!
  • #685
mine would be Lucario because I just think he looks sooo awesome, especially my shiny Lucario when he mega evolves it just looks so awesome I love watching him mega evolve
  • #686
I'd have to go with my trusty Hawlucha that's pretty much been with me for a long time playing Pokémon X. In fact, she's the first Pokémon in the game that will reach Level 100. and I probably wouldn't trade it too Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire. But if I did have to sell it here, I'd do it for 50 PC, maybe more. My Hawlucha is very special to me and I wouldn't be so quick to give her up like that.
  • #687
Can I choose two favorites? lol
Whimsacott because its so cute and a beats stall
Leech Seed
Dazzling Gleam

Umbreon my upmost favorite eeveeloution
Foul Play
  • #688
Mine has to be umbreon. I always loved how cute it is (and the shiny is the best!). I dont actually have a real story behind it, and I dont usually use it online. But in the playthrough, ALWAYS! :D
  • #689
My favorites are Gardevoir (I don't know why.) and Lucario (Cool typing and mega evolution.)
  • #690
Aggron <3 <3 <3
  • #691
I was wondering what my favorite Pokemon would be and I decided on Fennekin because I am better with fire types and it's so cute I mean it's a fox that eats twigs that's cute plus it's unique how they had it evolve into a fire mage!
  • #692
Probably Arceus.
  • #693
My fav pokemon is MEWTWO because it is super strong. Did you know that both Mega Mewtwos have a total IV of 780 which is currently the strongest IV total. Only both Mega Mewtwos and Mega Rayquaza have that much power, which in my book is OVER 9000.
  • #694
My favorite Pokemon would have to be Metagross...nuff said.
  • #695
Empoleon is definitely my favorite pokemon :) i love the steel typing and ive always had a soft spot for water types. Also penguins are my favorite animal so its kinda a win win there
  • #696
to be honest i think that my favorite pokemon is raquazza. the pokemon looks super cool, and it looks even cooler if the raquazza is shiny. I like that he is stronger than groudon and kyogre. His mega evolution makes him look like he is a freakin boss. I think that giritina is also pretty cool. both of jis forms look like a dark, evil pokemon. His move,shadow slash, makes him look like a pokemon that is always ready to attack. Groudon looks cool to, his mega evolution is the best. i actually beat the whole elite four team with only groudon because his attack power is the best. I just like that arceus created pokemon, but i wonder why he isnt the strongest. He still looks really cool though.
  • #697
My favorite Pokemon is Darkrai! I always loved it's design and great stat spread! Let's not forget the best sleep inducing move in the game, Dark Void! Just with that move, it can beat almost everything after setting up and also ruin most strategies like Pokemon with Sturdy, Focus Sash or Weakness Policy Multiscale Dragonite most of all! It's sad however that it doesn't get Aura Sphere, it would have been so cool and useful! Also, I wish it gets a Mega sometime soon! I really want it to come back to the spotlight, since it has been forgotten by most, despite it's usefulness!
  • #698
  • #699
My top 3 favorite pokemon are 1. Arcanine, 2. Tyrantrum, 3. Chesnaught
  • #700