Challenge Turnabout Weegee

  • Thread starter Rsngamer
  • Start date
  • #61
Defense, Prosecution, you may now cross examine the witness' testimony
  • #62
I would like to join the Defence team. I payed 1 PC. You DID say today(the 27th) was the last day for entry, correct?
  • #63
I would like to join the Defence team. I payed 1 PC. You DID say today(the 27th) was the last day for entry, correct?
Yep, anyone else has until midnight to register and pay the PC, I'll update the teams soon. But you can already participate

Sooooo... No one's gonna cross examine the witness? I'm gonna take 1 credibility out of everyone if no one shows up
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  • #64
@Jotape™ you might like this

Yep, anyone else has until midnight to register and pay the PC, I'll update the teams soon. But you can already participate

Sooooo... No one's gonna cross examine the witness? I'm gonna take 1 credibility out of everyone if no one shows up
a lot of people that are in this have school + homework (they're usually are here at 5:00-9:00) so be patient >_<
and gtg homework time
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  • #65
I was kidding, I know there's homework and stuff. Also, the group convos are up
  • #66
I was kidding, I know there's homework and stuff. Also, the group convos are up
oh your kidding xD.and ik convo is up.anways seeya

i'm finished with homework
and idk a lot about court so what does cross examine mean? >_<
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  • #67
May I cross examine the witness
  • #68
oh your kidding xD.and ik convo is up.anways seeya

i'm finished with homework
and idk a lot about court so what does cross examine mean? >_<
It's actually more of a Phoenix Wright thing, you check the Testimony, ask questions or present evidence which show a contradiction, and slam yer desk :p
May I cross examine the witness
  • #69
It's actually more of a Phoenix Wright thing, you check the Testimony, ask questions or present evidence which show a contradiction, and slam yer desk :p


May I ask Peach some questions
  • #70
May I ask Peach some questions
Wait, but no one cross examined Mario, he could have some extra info that he didn't say :)sneaky: being the storywriter is awesome)
  • #71
Bring in mario then I have a few questions
  • #72
I agree. Mario may have see Peach holding the shell, but that doesn't mean he didn't see anyone else(besides that shadowy figure)
  • #73
Mario: Do you want me to repeat my testiony? okay then:


Mario: So, that day, I was walking over to Weegee's house and hearing a loud girly scream.
Your options: Press or Present

I went inside and saw Peach holding a koopa shell, with Weegee on the floor, and she denied everything I asked her.
Your options: Press or Present

I also saw a fire flower, it looked like it had been used once, and then the police arrived, but I saw a figure near the house a while later.
Your options: Press or Present

Testimony finished

As a side note, unnecessary pressing will lose you credibility (so no" HOLDITHOLDITHOLDITOBJECTIONTAKETHAT!" attempts. aka every person playing PW:AA ever)
  • #74
Okay, when you say girly that pretty much has to be Peach or Daisy or someone else who is a girl. The only non-girl in the Mario universe with a remotely girly scream would be Luigi, but in Luigi's Mansion he screams a LOT and it could never be mistaken for Peach or Daisy.
  • #75
Alos, you guys still need to get your own epic music, suggestions are:

Pursuit - Cornered. or any other version(For epic moments of... cornering your opponent)
Objection 2009 (for moments of getting closer to the truth)
Confrontation - Allegro. any version works (for moments of decisive testimony or interrogating who is probs the true culprit when you have all your evidence)
Confrontation - Moderato. Again, any version (for moments of not so decisive testimony)

You can find all of these on Youtube (I checked)
  • #76
Okay, when you say girly that pretty much has to be Peach or Daisy or someone else who is a girl. The only non-girl in the Mario universe with a remotely girly scream would be Luigi, but in Luigi's Mansion he screams a LOT and it could never be mistaken for Peach or Daisy.
You didn't say "HOLD IT!" or "OBJECTION!" (In this case, it would be HOLD IT [pressing] you should also quote what part of the testimony you're pressing or presenting [TAKE THAT or OBJECTION])
  • #77
...I have never played a Pheonix Wright game in my life, and it shows...

Anyway, since it was most likely Peach who screamed, the most probable reason is that she saw Luigi's dead body on the floor and screamed. She picked up the shell to examine it, and that's when Mario walked in. TAKE THAT! (Did I use that correctly?)
  • #78

We can clearly see the super mushroom has bite marks. Luigi had no need for it, so the only logical explanation is that Peach used it for a boost of strength to get the murder over with quickly, almost as though she didn't want to murder him, rather that she needed to. :eek:
  • #79
...I have never played a Pheonix Wright game in my life, and it shows...

Anyway, since it was most likely Peach who screamed, the most probable reason is that she saw Luigi's dead body on the floor and screamed. She picked up the shell to examine it, and that's when Mario walked in. TAKE THAT! (Did I use that correctly?)
Yep, but both of you are only supposing things, you should also propose a course of action to turn your theory into an argumrnt backed up by evidence

We can clearly see the super mushroom has bite marks. Luigi had no need for it, so the only logical explanation is that Peach used it for a boost of strength to get the murder over with quickly, almost as though she didn't want to murder him, rather that she needed to. :eek:
I didn't say it did, but I'll let it slide, because at this point the defense can disprove your argument with a sentence
  • #80

We can clearly see the super mushroom has bite marks. Luigi had no need for it, so the only logical explanation is that Peach used it for a boost of strength to get the murder over with quickly, almost as though she didn't want to murder him, rather that she needed to. :eek:

OBJECTION! There was no super mushroom! It was a fire flower and it said that it was used once! Not bitten!
It also could've been luigi saving a fire flower he used once!