Username Origins

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  • #201
I created this name called dargo then I removed the o and got Darg. I remember reading Percy Jackson and there is this person Poseidon. And the ending of Poseidon, idon I got that and made it to sidan. I then added Darg to sidan. Then it made Dargsidan. That is the origin of my username.
"this person Poseidon" :rotfl: That's quite a casual way to describe an ancient Greek/Roman god.
  • #202
My user name comes from Game of Thrones. It comes from a Dragon who was bred by House Targaryen.
It was also what I originally named my Latias and I thought I could use it as a username on some sites.
  • #203
One of my favirote pokemon is Mew and the first pokemon games I played was pokemon diamond and my favirote pokemon generation was the 4th so the dp in my name stands for diamond and pearl and that is how I came up with the username MewDP.
  • #204
My first username was was a random username i came up with.
Now I'm known as Sora and Roxas because I was a Big Kingdom Hearts Fan so I changed my username to Sora and Roxas.
  • #205
Hello, my name is ParanoidLatias
My cousin's name for everything is ParanoidLuck
so he wanted me to make my LOL account username Paranoid___
And i chose ParanoidHen
And since this forums about Pokemon, AC:NL, 3DS games...
I thought it made sense to make it about Latias!:D
  • #206
In the school I go to, I'm usually called "G", which is the first letter of my first name, so I added that to the name of a power-up, and there we go, that is why I am called The G-Shroom!!!

In the school I go to, I'm usually called "G", which is the first letter of my first name, so I added that to the name of a power-up, and there we go, that is why I am called The G-Shroom!!!
  • #207
when i got my shiny aegislash in pkmn Y, i decided to name it Excalibur after the legendary sword. a few days later, for no real reason at all, i asked my brother (who is in the army) what different bullet calibers meant. he told me about x-caliber bullets, which made me think of my aegislash. when i told my friend, who would probably give me his soul for the aegislash, about it, he started calling me that (for reasons i still don't know) and i decided i might as well have everyone else call me Xcaliber. and that's how i got my username :p it's also why i changed the aegislash's name to Xcaliber :cat:
  • #208
I wanted a cool username that no one would use so I would not have to put extra numbers and unnecessary stuff because it would be hard to remember.
  • #209
One day I was bored, and I was still a big fan of Harry Potter and the Dark Arts thing, so I put "Dark Arts" in Google Translate and here it is now.

From there, his story is constantly being rewritten. Now, he is a fallen angel that is a descendant of the first Artes Oscuras, whose original name is unknown, with a brother and sister named Drakaris and Lucy respectively, and right now is hanging out in Hell with some old friends.
  • #210
One day I was bored, and I was still a big fan of Harry Potter and the Dark Arts thing, so I put "Dark Arts" in Google Translate and here it is now.

From there, his story is constantly being rewritten. Now, he is a fallen angel that is a descendant of the first Artes Oscuras, whose original name is unknown, with a brother and sister named Drakaris and Lucy respectively, and right now is hanging out in Hell with some old friends.
That escalated quickly. :p
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  • #211
Me and one of my friends came up with a game kinda like Fire Emblem, except on Paper, and one of the classes was Skyrider. My First name is Carl, but I always like Carlyle. So, add a bit of
and there you go.
  • #212
Well to be honest , I don't even know where my username actually originated , well I guess that Jacknoir12 ( my old name ) came from the fact that my sister wanted my Zekrom in Pokemon White named that way , Jacknoir , 12 came from the fact that I was 12 yrs old at that time

Eridan came from some Homestuck character thing that I forgot but it had to do with me because I was Aquarius accordingly , I choose this since it's a lot more general .
  • #213
EntityHound is my YouTube name, and Houndour is my favorite Pokemon, but I spelled it wrong in my username.
  • #214
I like dewott, and Retto is spelled Otter backwards.
  • #215
Back then, I had this really really close friend. She likes to drink strawberry milk. Long story short, she died... That's why I use names that makes me remember her. Samples are: strawberry milk, kiraneko, and kizuna. :)

I'll share the story some other time lol
  • #216
Back then, I had this really really close friend. She likes to drink strawberry milk. Long story short, she died... That's why I use names that makes me remember her. Samples are: strawberry milk, kiraneko, and kizuna. :)

I'll share the story some other time lol
That's sad, that her life was cut short. It's nice of you to keep her in your thoughts so much, though.
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  • #217
I used to go by Fire Element Lord before (and several other names before that), but people would call me FEL (or just Fel) for short. Someone started calling me Felly, and it just sorta stuck with everyone else there, so I went with it. Haven't changed since that, haha. If I ever do change it, it's usually just to mess around or whatever and it's a temporary change, not permanent.
  • #218
Mah beautiful name came from a chocolate called Toffifee, and I just cropped the part 'Toffi' and I put an e to the end. And at the time I loved cats. Now I use this name everywhere.
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  • #219
Mine originated from a typo. I tried typing agent but forgot the "e". So now i'm Agnt
  • #220
Mine originated from a typo. I tried typing agent but forgot the "e". So now i'm Agnt
Agnt is way more original :D