I used to play Club Penguin (I don't anymore since Disney shut down Toontown in favor of Club Penguin, which was a dumb move in my opinion) and I eventually lost my account username & password, and I needed to know my username in order to get my password, so I ended up making a new account. By the way, in Club Penguin there's a thing called the Elite Penguin Force, or EPF for short, and when you become a secret agent there, they call you Agent [Your Username Here]. Anyway, as I was thinking of a new username, I thought, "Wouldn't it be funny if I had Agent at the beginning of my username so they would call me Agent Agent?" Then, since there was a character limit(I think it was 12?), I had to think of something else to put. I then put Luigi down, because Luigi doesn't get the love he deserves. But then disaster struck: AgentLuigi was (somehow) taken! Then, since the website always suggests the same username with some random numbers at the end, CP suggested AgentLuigi3. I just thought "Whynaut?" and went with it. The rest is, as they say, history. I now use AgentLuigi3 for everything(except my YouTube, which is KirbyGamea because I derped and forgot AgentLuigi3 was my thing)!