Username Origins

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  • #261
I was 5 and everyone was into names like Bob and Joe or Sally. Cameron is the name I go by and 7 is my lucky number. The ! came when I needed the 3rd type of character for security reasons and that has been my user since: Bobcam7!
  • #262
Alright starting a list

Cobman456: YouTube name

TacoCob: I wanted tacos

SirCobblesTheFifteenth: @Evelyn dared me

WaffleGuyyy: I wanted waffles with extra Y's

Mr.FanFavorite: I was feeling great

Genos: One punch man favorite character

TheUmbreonFan: Umbreon my Favorite Pokemon

TheMikayaFan: Was Mikaya day

Kevin: my first name

Lucas: what I was supposed to be named

CobbLobby: some random nickname I was called
  • #263
I was hungry.
  • #264
I love butter cookies.
  • #265
Initially I was called Wind Heart somewhere, and as time goes, most of my friends started to call me Windy. And then, on one of the chat rooms, I thought up of merging my nickname and my dream anime before it, so the name Starry Windy was born.
  • #266
I was reading a book about a woman escaping from a Mormon camp ("Escape") & there was a baby named Nurylon that died in a car crash during one of her flashback story scenes. Kind of against the whole point of it being a sad scene, I thought the name was super neat! So adopted it for my online handle. I am named after a dead baby x3......
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  • #267
I was reading a book about a woman escaping from a Mormon camp ("Escape") & there was a baby named Nurylon that died in a car crash during one of her flashback story scenes. Kind of against the whole point of it being a sad scene, I thought the name was super neat! So adopted it for my online handle. I am named after a dead baby x3......
... This is the most morbid username origin story I will ever read.
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Reactions: Nurylon
  • #268
... This is the most morbid username origin story I will ever read.
I have been laughing such genuine laughter for like4 minutes omg <33
I love my username origin story

It's, ahhh *breathing how do* a really impactful book though. It'as pretty important to my grandmother due to our family line.
  • #269
My username comes from the game Kingdom Hearts if you couldn't tell by the avatar and signature. XD I guess I came up with it years ago when two friends of mine were arguing which they liked better; a heartless or a nobody. When they asked me, I said I liked both equally and so I just combined the two. A Heartless Nobody. I thought it was pretty clever at the time and considering I was like thirteen when I came up with it I guess it was for back then? It just kind of stuck with me ever since.
  • #270
My username isn't that creative, but my initials are ST which also stands for "street" so :p
(I also love driving, it's so fun ^^)
  • #271
i got mine from League of legends
  • #272
mine I basically just used something I could remember easily
  • #273
Long story short. My favorite Pokemon of all time was a Riolu. At the time i was training one with a Rash nature (not the best nature for him but eh) hence this username. Come to think of it :bookworm:, ALL of my usernames use the name Riolu or Fusion (a collision for all my favorite things)
  • #274
Mine is based on the term"StevenBomb" which is basically a week of new episodes of Steven Universe.
  • #275
Shinzai means heart of wood or Heartwood in Japanese, the name sounded cool and kinda fit my personality irl so I named myself after my personality I guess?
  • #276
You know already where I got this from.
  • #277
  • #278
You know already where I got this from.
Where did you get this from?
  • #279
Tatsu is my favorite character in Xenoblade Chronicles X and Heropon is in refrence to both Xenoblade Chronicles games
  • #280
You know already where I got this from.
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