What is your favorite Pokemon game?

  • Thread starter Marc
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  • #181
I would have to say fire red the remake. It was the first pokemon game I ever played, but also emerald is awesome being my 2nd Pokemon game but fire red is close to my heart.
  • #182
So far, Pokemon Black Version. I love the style and the Pokemon and even the music. My best Pokemon is Samurott and my favorite song in the game it from Twist Mountain. Although, I still hate twist mountain because it is a pain to get through. Another favorite song of my is from the city. I also love the city because of its scenery and I also beat the boss fairly easy.
  • #183
Emerald was the best Pokemon game by far. I hope it gets a remake during this Gen.
i liked sapphire the most(though it is inferior i will let nostalgia cloud my better judgement just this once)
  • #184
When Pokemon came out I always liked to play it alot, the Pokemon games I played this far were red version, blue version, yellow version, gold version, sliver version, crystal version, ruby version, and sapphire version. My favorite Pokemon game would be crystal version.
  • #185
My favourite Pokémon game to date is Pokémon X, paws down. =P Curious how Pokémon Omega Ruby will be though! I hope it still has a Pokémon-Amie-like feature, though I assume it would now be given a different name for the non-french focused region of Hoenn.

But as for right now, I'm preeetty much in full blown Smash Bros. anticipation mode for the Wii U. ^^; I'll be getting that on launch date, whereas I won't lay my hands on Omega Ruby until Christmas Day.
  • #186
My Favorite game is pokemon Emerald, I had many memories of this game, although my game can't save data, I always remember starting up the game again and choosing a new pokemon from treecko,torchic or mudkip. I gave my games away because I lost my old gameboy advance.
  • #187
When pokemon Omega Ruby comes out and if I play it,it might become my favourite pokemon game.So far all of the newly added features are good and mind-blowing especially the one where you can run into legendary pokemon like palkia and dialga when flying.
  • #188
My favorite pokemon game would be leafgreen just because its the first pokemon game I have played. Its because of this game that I really got to love pokemon.
  • #189
My favorite pokemon game would be leafgreen just because its the first pokemon game I have played. Its because of this game that I really got to love pokemon.
Lol Jimmehh is the nickname of a dutch youtuber XD

Btw, my favourite pokemon game is Emerald because it was my first game and in my opinion it contains, except luvdisk and some other pokemon, a lot of awesome pokemon! :) And because Mudkip.
  • #190
Lol Jimmehh is the nickname of a dutch youtuber XD

Btw, my favourite pokemon game is Emerald because it was my first game and in my opinion it contains, except luvdisk and some other pokemon, a lot of awesome pokemon! :) And because Mudkip.
Haha cool I might look him up sometime. Mudkip is one of my favorite pokemon aswell :thumbsup: btw i'm dutch too.
  • #191
Haha cool I might look him up sometime. Mudkip is one of my favorite pokemon aswell :thumbsup: btw i'm dutch too.
Awesome :)
  • #192
It's really hard to decide. I'd honestly go for Emerald, which is what got me into the Poke-craze.
  • #193
Rubyyyy!!!!!!!! :wtf:
  • #194
My favorite would have to be Emerald, it was the first game I really got into and it made me really love Pokemon. Didn't hurt that it had my favorite Pokemon in it!
  • #195
Favorite pokemon would be Black and White. It just felt so refreshing and all the new pokemon were incredibly good for me. The theme was overall fantastic, gyms were exciting. it was just incredibly good for me.
2 improve on a lot of things and is often considered one of the best Pokemon games, also.
I would say that Soul Silver is my second favorite.
  • #196
If hacked pokemon games count I choose POKEMKN LIGHT PLATIMUN because you get all the starters from gen 1 to gen 5 if they don't count I choose POKEMON Y because it intruduced mega evolution
  • #197
Mine will be Pokemon Emerald. If it isn't for emerald, i don't think i will be a pokemon trainer ;p
Also, i love it because of the trumpets. Trumpets FTW!!
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  • #198
Platinum, hands down. Sinnoh is full-on nostalgia for me, but Diamond and Pearl have strange flaws (e.g. Flint's awesome Fire-type team of Lopunny, Drifblim and Steelix), so Platinum wins for me.
  • #199
It has to be pokemon emerald without a doubt it was so good you had a dad in it to most pokemon games you only get a mom but in this one you get a dad and he is a gym leader and right now it has made a whole nuzlocke army emerald nuzlockes everywhere
  • #200
Emerald without a doubt it is the best Philemon game in my opinion it had tons of nuzlockes named after it go to youtube and search emerald nuzlocke and there will be tons of unlocks videos there but you also get a dad in most pokemon games you don't get a dad but this one you do and he's a gym leader