What is your favorite Pokemon game?

  • Thread starter Marc
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  • #201
My favorite would have to be fire red and heart gold both remakes and both the manga(pokemon adventures) was based off of I also like platinum and ruby also where the pokemon mangas are based off of


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  • #202
Wow gee that's a tough one :/

Can I pick all of them? PLZ! :3

EDIT: the one I don't like is trozie seriously it's repetitive and pointless.
  • #203
My favorite game would have to be Ruby and sapphire in the pokemon franchise and I really am glad they are making a new remake yay (Omega ruby and alpha sapphire) Cant wait for a few days yay! Tell me is anyone else really happy there doing this and it is kind of a big deal and pokemon is the best game ever close actually not the best (#REBEL)
  • #204
my favorite is platinum it just has a unique story
  • #205
I am has a newcomer guy and my favorites pokemon game are always the new games meaning the games who always come next to the old mine for the moment is pokemon x but i got nothing against y but there's more opportunity open for me on x but i am sure when i do have a pokemon or/as one of them will be my favorite.
  • #206
Im the main series it has to be pokemon platinum. Such a beautyful story and great Music, and gen 4 is my all time favorite generation. I also love the mystery Dungeon games!
  • #207
My favorite Pokemon Games are Emerald and X/Y because after I played through those two games, I was no longer a n00b! These games taught me how to actually play pokemon!
  • #208
Mine would have to be pokemon black 2 because the game looked so great and it was very interesting to see unova about 2 years later with all the new towns and poemon from different regions! I really liked the new gym leaders (Roxie and Marlon) and how Iris became champion too! It would have been pokemon XD if they didnt change the storyline! it really intrigued me how they were gonna bring back Wes and turn him into the main antagonist and then you (Adam) had to stop him!
  • #209
My favorite would probably have to be Black and White 1. The whole liberation of pokemon storyline was pretty captivating and while I was like "Yeah <censored> those guys! I love battling Pokemon!", I was also secretly like "Dammit those guys put up a pretty valid argument."
  • #210
I'd have to say Heart Gold. My mind was blown when I first got the game and saw that your first pokemon in your party was actually FOLLOWING you in the open world outside of battles. That made it my favorite pokemon game because I got to experiment all of the sprites by doing this and it helped me "catch 'em all."
  • #211
Even though I haven played in a long time my favorite Pokemon game is Pokemon Emerald. I like it for two reason major reason. The first is the mach call feature. It was a step up from trainer eyes in Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Sapphire because it was able to work two ways instead of one. The second reason is the whole secret base thing. I just loved making my own secret base and then moving every once in a while.
  • #212
Pokemon Yellow because I like the Pikachu just following you everywhere and when you first get it is like so cute and you can get all the pokemon starters. In second for me would be Pokemon Emarld because I love Hoenn and gym leaders and the starters
  • #213
my favorite game was xy because the 3d was great. I didn't like the postgame. The wifi battles are awesome. I am super exited for ORAS game.
  • #214
i love all pokemon games
  • #215
My favourite game is pokemon diamond, it was the first game i ever played thanks to my brother, i was 8 i think and i played it for the first time and i didn't want to go sleep, ice gym was so hard!! Still having nightmares about the hours i spend grinding my pokemon to beat that gymi loved the gts and i had a sleepover at my house and me and my friends played it the whole night, sadly i lost the cartridge when i was at a holiday :( i cried and i cried :( still miss my lvl. 100 luxray with maxed out pp on every move. My heart was going to explode when i saw the dialga cutscene. Remember it like it was a week ago or so
  • #216
I have many favorites...

Pokémon Blue/Red - Fire Red/Emerald Green, because they were the original games and I discovered pokémon with them (and their remake). I'm really nostalgic about these and I really miss them.

Pokémon Yellow, because having so many things like the anime made it so fun! Sure it was pretty much the same game with a pikachu, more or less, but it was really enjoyable.

Pokémon X/Y, because it came in like a breath a fresh air, I think it really helped the franchise to get more new players. I liked it, even though I didn't like the content post-game (wasn't really for me).
  • #217
I really like pokemon White. The storyline was great, it introduced moving animations for Pokemon, great new legends, pokemon global link, and all the new Pokemon!

My favourite game is pokemon diamond, it was the first game i ever played thanks to my brother, i was 8 i think and i played it for the first time and i didn't want to go sleep, ice gym was so hard!! Still having nightmares about the hours i spend grinding my pokemon to beat that gymi loved the gts and i had a sleepover at my house and me and my friends played it the whole night, sadly i lost the cartridge when i was at a holiday :( i cried and i cried :( still miss my lvl. 100 luxray with maxed out pp on every move. My heart was going to explode when i saw the dialga cutscene. Remember it like it was a week ago or so
I'm very sorry:(
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  • #218
The games were so great. I mean there could be a great game that the company could make and it would have pokemon that players from around the world made. They could make it so there would be a lot of post-game.
  • #219
Mine is Pokemon X.....thats's all :)
  • #220
Definately Pokemon Heartgold Soulsilver. I Remember Getting It Back In 2010 (I Got Heart Gold) And I Loved It!!!! It Was The First Pokemon Game I Ever Got And I Regretfully Sold It :( Though Heart Gold Was The First Pokemon Game I Ever Got, Pokemon Gold Was The First Pokemon Game I Ever Played, As I Played It All The Time At My Uncles House When I Was Little Since My Uncle Used To Play It. And Though I Do Have Heart Gold Again, It Isnt As Fun Because 1: Back Then Games Were Harder For Me And It Isnt As Fun Now Since Im Better At Games, And 2: It Seems For Me Games Were More Fun Back Then Since You Have More Fun When Your Younger. I Dont Know If Some Of You Are The Same Way, But All I Know Is, Is That Even Though It Was More Fun When I Was Younger, It Is Still Fun Now And I Will Always Love Pokemon Untill The Very End.