What is your favorite Pokemon game?

  • Thread starter Marc
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  • #261
Mine would have to be Either Emerald (first Pokemon game I played ) or X&Y for introducing 3d models
  • #262
my favourite game is pokemon soul silver because there is a sage with my name and bellsprouts.
  • #263
Pokemon Y solidified a game series that I was beginning to lose faith in. I had fallen off the Pokemon train, and Y brought me back.
  • #264
mine is pokemon black or pokemon white
  • #265
mine is probably the original ruby game.its half the reason why i still love pokemon.Mystery dungeon is a close second tho.very emotional ;)
  • #266
GSC/HG/SS 16 badges? anyone? story obtainable shiny (red gyarados)? ahaha! This is the best and i think the last real pokemon game design!! (yeah, sinnoh region games are great too!!!)
  • #267
Pokemon Crystal, surely, with no doubt.
  • #268
My favorite game has to be HeartGold. I just LOVED gold and the remake in my opinion was INCREDIBLE. I had a great time playing the original in the ol'days and the remake was the best way to get me back into playing pokemon again. It was a great game but now I cant even trade or battle (like I was gonna).
  • #269
My favorite Pokemon game that I've played is Pokemon Diamond. It introduced snow, a real-time clock thanks to the Nintendo DS (day/night), the GTS, Wi-Fi battles, and of course, the storyline was good.

I've played a couple of Mystery Dungeon games but I'm not a fan.

What is your favorite Pokemon game?
I love omega ruby and alpha sapphire
  • #270
Hard to say for me. Pokemon Blue because it was my first one. Loved Platinum because it was my reintroduction into pokemon after my break because it "wasn't cool" anymore. Gen 2 remakes were amazing too because childhood with better graphics. Never played Hoenn games but I loved the remakes. Love the story of the pokemon Ranger games.
  • #271
I remember receiving Leaf Green when it first came out and I was very intrigued by it.
However, my favorite (for it's time) was the first and only game I've ever preordered... Pokemon Diamond.
  • #272
I've gotta say Pokemon Black because it was my first pokemon game that I had received. I was around 6 or 7 and didn't know what was going on but as I got older, I've enjoyed it immensely and now, I have many differrent types of pokemon along with an almost complete pokedex. Looking back at it makes me happy. ^_^
  • #273
Pokemon Black & White 2. Had the most overall length in content and I spent more hours on it. I know the 2nd gen games were technically longer but I found the extra content more fun than regoing through Kanto as it was new.
  • #274
I would say Emerald. I have loved that game ever since I got it. It has been the most fun game to me (before ORAS) it was a really lovely region. I loved how much water it had and the fact that you could dive. The Battle Frontier was by far the best in that game.
  • #275
Pokemon Leaf Green and Pokemon Emerald. Actually Pokemon Leaf Green was my very first Pokemon game (I played the 2nd gen games after this game) and I replay the Pokemon emerald so many times because my brother keep messing around my game but it was always fun played this game from zero again and again :)
  • #276
White version 2, when i learned of zoroark i bought pokemon white but i couldnt get a zoroark but in pokemon white 2 there i got it and that one is my fav X3
  • #277
My favourite Pokemon game has to be Pokemon Diamond, as well.... I mean, it was the first Pokemon game where I started to seriously train my Pokemon, with EV Training, and I was seriously competitive with it. The secret base feature was super cool as well, though I literally had no one to play with. Plus, at that time I might have had a huge crush on Cynthia, sooo... (/゚Д゚)/
Next in line would defo be XY, for introducing the fabulously moist 3d graphics and renders!~
  • #278
Pokémon Crystal and Pokémon X.

Crystal because it was the first one to introduce tha ability to play as a girl (people who only picked up Pokémon after that version can't imagine how frustrating it was to play previous versions without that feature) and because it had 16 badges, as heroarc8 said, including ones from the previous generation which was already bringing memories back. In other words, it was a new adventure with new features AND with some sort of a remake inside of it.

And Pokémon X because it introduced clothes changing. Same, for those who started with Pokémon X, you can't imagine how frustrating it is to play Emerald with that duck-like girl or with the white haired fat man (seriously, he looks fat in that game, and his beanie looks like his hair). They are better modeled in ORAS so I won't complain but clothes changing was a very interesting feature in my opinion.
  • #279
You can't imagine how frustrating it is to play Emerald with that duck-like girl or with the white haired fat man (seriously, he looks fat in that game, and his beanie looks like his hair).

Oh LORDE I cannot express how true this is----I just...
  • #280
I would have to say emerald. Reasons? It was the first pokemon game I ever got. I didn't really understand it and I got lost a few times, but hey, now it's one of my all time top 5 super games. Sadly for me my copy has decided not to work anymore.

Edit: Added some censorship, it's better not to talk about that three-letter thing related to piracy.
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