What is your favorite Pokemon game?

  • Thread starter Marc
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  • #281
Sapphire. Why? Nostalgic reasons.
  • #282
omega ruby is my favorite because hoen was my favorite region and all they did to it was make it way better
  • #283
omega ruby is my favorite because hoen was my favorite region and all they did to it was make it way better
*Sighs* I suppose you're right. They did make everything about Sapphire better. Fine. Alpha Sapphire is my favorite while Sapphire is my 2nd Favorite XD
  • #284
I loved the pokemon games on the gba, but when the time came to pokemon stadium be launched on the nintendo 64, that became actually my favourite pokemon game, being able to fight with your favourite pokemons and even against your friends was an amazing thing. I still do.
  • #285
Emerald. It was an amazing game, it had a great aftergame as well. Not to mention the story is one of the best in any pokemon game.
  • #286
So far I'm really loving Omega ruby, but my favorite is gold version.
  • #287
All time? Gates to Infinity. The story was great, the gameplay was a nice balance and I liked the attention to detail. Only thing I wasn't a fan of was the lack of ultra hard missions during the post game, but besides that I really love it. It's actually my all time favorite game ever, as crazy as it sounds.

Though in terms of my favorite main series game, definitely Emerald due to the battle frontier.
  • #288
mine is pokemon Black so far
  • #289
My favorite pokemon games are HeartGold and Soulsilver because you can visit two updated reigons. I also like it because of the feature that your pokemon walks with you.
Ps: I wish they could bring that feature back
  • #290
My Fav Pokemon Game is Like All the Pokemon Game
  • #291
Probably Pokemon X because it introduced Mega evolution
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  • #292
HeartGold remakes and White core games
  • #293
Has to be Emerald. It was the first Pokemon game where I reached the E4 and beat it. (The 1st one I ever played was Red though. Back in the 10 games in 1 GB cartridge days haha.)
  • #294
It's really hard to decide. I'd honestly go for Emerald, which is what got me into the Poke-craze.
My favorite Pokemon game's also Emerald! Besides, I love the fact that I try and beat the Battle Frontier through sheer confidence, and that's before I learned about the entire competitive thing when I was playing X & Y.
  • #295
Pokemon Y is my favorite pokemon game. I also liked emerald and platinum but with the new 3ds engine pokemon x and y is much cooler than the others
  • #296
I've said previously on another thread that I thought diamond was the least developed. Here you make some good points challenging my statement quite a bit. I think my favorite game would have to be Soul Silver due to the fact that it uses a double region story line and the fact that there are multiple legendaries available to catch.
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  • #297
Mine is Soul Silver, because is an incredible remake of the original game and because it has everything that made the original great.
A close second is White.
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  • #298
I like The new games because of the new features, but i like emerald for the most part
  • #299
Probably All The Gen 4 DS Games,, And Have Been Really Impress By The D/P Games Which Totally Leveled Up From All The Other Games Down To Gameboy Pokemon Games.

And I Love The Story, Graphics And Of Course, The Legends Of Sinnoh Which Until Now Is My Favorite. D/P/P FTW.. ^_^
  • #300
I love Pokemon Crystal. Beautiful soundtrack.