What is your favorite Pokemon game?

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  • #381
My first game was Pokemon Diamond(Favorite Game).I played it on DSlite for 523:30Hours but then...my sister destroyed my DSlite.:(
  • #382
My first game was Pokemon Diamond(Favorite Game).I played it on DSlite for 523:30Hours but then...my sister destroyed my DSlite.:(

What do you mean by “destroyed”? The damage is on the DSlite so your save should be fine still
  • #383
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon : Explorers of Sky is the best pokémon game i've ever played. The story is so good,and the characters personality is so charismatic...i'm in love with that game xD
I like Pokémon Silver/Gold too,the remakes of those games are awesome but i give a lot of points to the plot,and the main series always fail this requisite... =(
  • #384
I have couple of favourite Pokemon Games. Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver are my favourite games in the main series but i also like some spin off games such as Shuffle, Conquest, Colloseum and my personal favourite game aside from the main series Mystery Dungeons: Red's Rescue Team :D
  • #385
My favorite pokemon games are ORAS and XY. I am also interested in the Pokémon Ranger games, but I've never played them. There is also a Wii game that I don't like, but I forgot the name:(
  • #386
What do you mean by “destroyed”? The damage is on the DSlite so your save should be fine still
Yes but the game is destroyed too
  • #387
I have three diffrent Pokemon Games. My third favorite is Pokemon Black Version Two. You are a trainer who started your Pokemon Journey, Three Years after the craziness that went with Team Plasma in Pokemon B/W. After a while, you found out that there is a New Team Plasma, and you have to team up with your partner to save Unova, no.... The World! Also the Pokemon Gyms have been remastered! My second favorite game is Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. I use a Nintendo DS Emulator for this game. You are a Human, transformed into a Pokemon, with no memory except for a name, and, of course, being a Human before all this! You meet a partner, and 3 rivals in the process. You soon learn, while training at the guild, about how the planet will be paralyzed in the short future! No it is up to you, your partner, and a superise guest to stop the planet's paralysis! My top Pokemon Game is Pokemon Shuffle! I just started playing it, so I don't know a TON about it, but I will tell you this: It's a Great Game!!! :)
  • #388
I think you should get Pokemon OR/AS cause it has alot of new things to do that will help you out.
For starters, if you like catching pokemon but hate the hastle of finding out where they are, there is a new thing called Dex Nav that shows you what pokemon are on what route.
Second, this game is JAM PACKED with ledgendaries. In X/Y you only get the game's ledgendary and one of the bird trio depending on what starter you chose. BUT in OR/AS you can get lots!! including but not limited to
Dog Trio (suicune, Enti, and that other one)
Rayquazza and Dyoxus
Asleaf, Mespirit, and Uxie
and others too!

Or just wait till Z, X2/Y2, X Squared/ Y squared WHATEVER GAMEFREAK DOES!
To come out...

Thanks man, that's very helpful. How do the games compare in online play?
  • #389
My favorite game is probably Pokemon y because it's 3d. There is also cool Pokemon to catch. Also there is mega evolutions which is cool. And you get to customize your character however you want. Also there is roller skates or roller blades you can use to go around towns and cities. Also you can use a bike too.
  • #390
Thanks man, that's very helpful. How do the games compare in online play?
online play is basically coppy-pasted over from X/Y to OR/AS
  • #391
Hm... That's a tough one. Um... I like Pokemon Pearl because it was the first main series game I got; I like Soul Silver because it introduced Pokemon following you and it had my favorite legendary in it (Lugia!!); I like Pokemon Y because it introduced a whole bunch of new features... I also like Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, even though I've never actually played it... Uh... I think I'll go with Pokemon Y though.
  • #392
FireRed (And by extent, LeafGreen as well, although my favourite Pokémon was FireRed exclusive), probably. Kanto (And Johto) is my favourite area, and the first gen pokemons were great, that's where I personally begun. My game is clocked in on about 550 hours right now, and It was possibly the most social game I've ever played.
The GBA era was, for me, the highlight of the series. I haven't played X/Y/Black/White though.
  • #393
It has to be Pokemon diamond.
It was my first pokemon game and the one that makes me wonder about mamy things in the pokemon world :)
  • #394
My favorite Pokémon game was Pokémon emerald, its not only my favorite, it was my first Pokémon game, it has lot of content, rematch gym leaders, the battle frontier, animations, a nice history, but i like something the new games, its to dress up your character, that why i not play a lot ORAS, bored of see the same character all the time.
  • #395
mine is diamond as well , and chimchar is my favorite starter :D


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  • #396
mine is diamond as well , and chimchar is my favorite starter :D
I like Oshawott
  • #397
My Favorite Is Ruby i just got the remake for 3ds i have probaly put 30+ hours in to it and beat the game and Delta Episode
  • #398
In my opinion I think Pokemon mystery dungeon explorer of darkness i think that what it was called and its one of the best because you can tame Pokemon and trainers will never catch you ever again and plus your own story line i know that it sound like the rest of the other Pokemon mystery dungeon game but this is something none other like the other mystery dungeon games it something you have to play because i don't know how to explain it.
  • #399
I like pokemon alpha sapphire
  • #400
Black 2. Very underrated.