What is your favorite Pokemon game?

  • Thread starter Marc
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  • #581
Out of all: Platinum.
Main series: Platinum.
Mistery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky.
Other spinoffs: Dash...
My first console ever was a DS don't blame me ;-;
  • #582
idk why but my favorite is pokemon yellow
  • #583
My favorite would have to be PMD explorers of time, the story was awesome, the gameplay was great, and the music is incredible. My dad got that game and blue rescue team because I liked pokemon and I thought they would suck since they were very different, but then, my 7 year old mind was blown, especially by the ending where
You technically die,(they did that in every PMD game to a certain extent but in 1 and 3 you just left the pokemon world, but still really sad), but your friend's sadness makes Dialga decide to not make you disappear even though you are a time paradox(sadly, he doesn't bring back Grovyle tho)
  • #584
Pokemon X! <3 Love the Kalos region!
  • #585
Can't decide between X and Omega Ruby. They are the only ones I've played so far.
  • #586
I liked Emerald the best. I don't play Pokemon that often, but its nice to go back and look at my progress once in a while.
  • #587
I liked Diamond because the pokemons were awesome and it had my favorite eevee evolution there (glaceon) the region was also very big and it took me some time to finish it.
Also the story was good.
  • #588
I feel like everyone kind of hates on Mystery Dungeon games but once you play them and finish them you realize how terriffic the story is behind them. I have the most hours logged on my pokemon X game, but pokemon mystery dungeon definitely gave me the best experience for my money i paid for it. Also all the side missions and extra stuff is so great and adds even more to the greatness of the game
  • #589
  • #590
My all time favorite Pokémon game that I've played is DEFINITELY Pokémon X!

It's the game that introduced Pokémon-Amie and was based off of France, which is my favorite country of study. :headphone:
Because of Pokémon-Amie, I've been able to grow more attached to my Pokémon and feel an actual connection between them.

I haven't been able to try Pokémon Alpha Sapphire so I don't have any thoughts on it yet. :unsure:
  • #591
My favorite is Pokemon Emerald! What's there not to like? Beautiful region, rich story, cool Pokemon, great soundtracks and lots of things to do post-game like the Battle Frontier, which happens to be the best one out of all games, and the has the hardest, most incredibly and memorable battle of all time, you versus Steven! I really hope that after Pokemon Z (or whatever it'll be called), there will be a remake! I also liked Platinum a lot for many reasons, but Emerald will always be the game I love the most out of the series!
  • #592
Fire Red i play it the most and it was the first i played
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  • #593
My favourite Pokemon game would have to be Pokemon diamond on the ds! It was my first Pokemon game and it's always held a special part in my heart. It also has the best story, in my opinion of course, and the best Pokemon, again in my opinion. My favourite Pokemon from the game would have to be Luxray. He is always on my teams playing through the game because...yeah.
  • #594
Of the ones I've played I'd say pokemon black 2
  • #595
My favorite pokemon game has to be Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness
  • #596
My favorite Pokemon game was Pokemon Emerald. The reason why is because it was like a story that combined both Team Aqua and Magma and allowed the Player to do a lot more to accomplish rather than Ruby and Sapphire. I also liked the introduction to the Battle Frontier which was very cool and as well as obtaining Chikorita, Totodile, or Cyndaquil after completing the Pokedex. In addition you can capture all three Hoenn Legendaries instead of just two in Ruby and Sapphire.
  • #597
Favorite main series: DPPt
Overall: Explorers of Sky
  • #598
I honestly can't choose my favorite game! I love them all! (well, except Omega Ruby... ) but if I had to choose one, I would say Pokemon X.
  • #599
My favorite pokemon game is Pokemon conquest and Pokemon mystery dungeon sky. They both are incredible. In sky there is so much to do and a great story.Also everyone don't listen to IGN's review of sky. Conquest is like fire emblem but I never played fire emblem so what am I talking about. Conquest and Sky is additive.
  • #600
3.Diamond 2.Black 1.Soulsilver