What is your favorite region: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, or Kalos?

  • Thread starter Ozga
  • Start date
  • #321
To be honest I love all the Pokémon games and franchise. The Pokémon games were some of the best games I played growing up. XY were great. I loved Nintendo taking a risky step to try to enhance gameplay and graphics. Sure Gen. 6 didn't include the most new Pokemon, but do you see what they were working on? Instead of like every other game they tried to make a lot of new pokemon, they worked more on literally the NEXT GEN.
That is a good point
  • #322
My favourite is a tie between Johto and Hoenn. I was a Gen 2 baby and I loved emerald. But I highly prefer the remade johto and hoenn to the original designs.
  • #323
I like Jotho most just because it has the connection to Kanto so in a way I'm choosing for both Jotho and Kanto. They both bring back such great memories I mean think back to the first time you walked through the viridian forest in Red and Blue. Gold and Silver already gave a great feeling of nostalgia when i walked through the forest but then they remade the games making it even more beautiful with all the vibrant colours.
  • #324
I agree. But I didn't like how they shortened viridian forest in Gen 2 then elongated it again in gen 4 ( well not too much gotta keep it close the old school)
  • #325
What is your favorite region: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, or Kalos?

My favorite is Hoenn.

Mine is Kalos
  • #326
Mine is Kanto, i have good memories playing pokemon red in my childhood.
  • #327
My favorite is Hoenn. I was disappointed when GameFreak didn't do a Gen V remake of RSE, but I was absolutely ecstatic when they did a Gen VI remake.
  • #328
What is your favorite region: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, or Kalos?

My favorite is Hoenn.
If I were to judge them by region and not by game, I would choose the Sinnoh Region! Yes Kalos might have giant berry fields and lot's of stuff, but in the Sinnoh region you can got to that pillar place to get the legendaries, you can go get the regis, and you can make poffins! I also enjoy the underground bases you can do. And by game? I would enjoy the newer games and Pokemon Platinum.
  • #329
I really cant decide between Hoenn and Sinnoh,
My 1st region
OR and AS
Sootopolis music
Surf music
Tough trek in order to find Regis
My 2nd region
Platinum expansion
Cyrus's hair
Even tougher trek to find regis... okay, actually that one kinda sucked more than the Hoenn trek... OH WELLZ
  • #330
  • #331
i prefer HOENN
  • #332
I like Sinnoh I am not sure why it was the first one I played so that might have been the reason but I think it was probably the pokemon's designs that I really liked they seemed more creative then other pokemon.(Ok maybe not all of them Bidoof for example.)
  • #333
I like Kanto, because mega evolution started from Kanto and new legendary Pokemon
  • #334
Tie between Sinnoh and Johto. Gotta love Ercuteak.
  • #335
Johto for sure.
  • #336
Hoenn is by far the best region ever
First of all the starters are amazing
There's an amazing variety of pokemon too make an early party.
The pokemon themselves are amazing
And that was the first region where the legendaries were all out legendary. Their stats were amazing, their abilities were too. And they just looked amazing.
  • #337
Kanto and Johto are my favorites for being the original regions that drew me into Pokemon, but Sinnoh and Kalos follow that. Unova and Hoenn go after those since they didn't really seem appealing to me. :c I'm not very well versed on spin off regions though since I haven't really gotten into the spin off games much.
  • #338
Kanto and Johto are my favorites for being the original regions that drew me into Pokemon, but Sinnoh and Kalos follow that. Unova and Hoenn go after those since they didn't really seem appealing to me. :c I'm not very well versed on spin off regions though since I haven't really gotten into the spin off games much.
oh. y u no liek orre?
  • #339
I liked Johto because the starters are awesome!
  • #340
KARRRRRRRRRRP KKKKKKKKKKKKARRRRRRRRRRRRRRP!!! MOVE Magic crap,(why did I get him again) HAHA anyways my favorite region across the games has to be hoenn because of MUDKIPPPPPPP!!! and my favorite friend May. I love giving my thought about what I think without bad word like the chat of MINECRAFT:(