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Category: Switch Game Reviews

Super Mario Maker 2 Review (Nintendo Switch)

I’ve personally been such a big fan of the Mario games, ever since my childhood. 2D Mario games were especially up my ally, with interesting terrains, unique enemies, and a rather subtle charm that enemies evoke in each game. The idea of creating my own stages never really occurred to…

SEGA AGES Space Harrier Review (Nintendo Switch)

Ah, the classic SEGA arcade games. Rich with new graphics, story elements and entertaining for its time! Today, we take a look at Space Harrier, a SEGA third-person shooter arcade game that paved way for the shooter genre to make bolder and cooler games as well as see its own re-release on…

Swaps and Traps Review (Nintendo Switch)

Swaps and Traps is said to be a challenging puzzle platformer, where getting lost in a single screen is the main draw. You can find out just how challenging this game is in our review and if it’s worth getting. Gameplay This game is a challenge: you need to be…

Super Neptunia RPG Review (Nintendo Switch)

Super Neptunia RPG is the first in the series to be made in the west and the first to be on a Nintendo console. Is this game a good place to start off the series with? You’ll have to read this review and find out! Story Players start the game…

Just Shapes & Beats Review (Nintendo Switch)

Just Shapes & Beats is a musical bullet hell game developed and published by Berzerk Studio. Released first on the Nintendo Switch on May 31 2018. Gameplay Players control a little blue square where they must do their best to get through levels without touching anything that’s pink to avoid…

Solo: Islands of the Heart Review (Nintendo Switch)

In a world where hate and violence are, unfortunately, mostly prominent, it’s refreshing to play a game which is just you, your thoughts, and some very cute animals. Solo: Islands of the Heart is a thought-provoking introspective game about love, sexuality, and how you feel about everything relating to them.…

Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Review (Nintendo Switch)

Edmund McMillen’s Binding of Isaac series is a tough challenge to put into words. The series originally started as a concept from a week-long game jam, using inspiration from Shigeru Miyamoto and the first Zelda game for the procedural dungeons. McMillen wanted to share his experience with religion from his…

My Time At Portia Review (Nintendo Switch)

History and Development My Time At Portia had been in development for some time, however it had only been released on the Nintendo Switch on April 16, 2019. Before this, it was available via Early Access for PC, receiving even more updates than the Switch version did at launch. An…

Graveyard Keeper Review (Nintendo Switch)

Imagine waking up in a strange place, separated from your lover and the words you speak seem as gibberish to most people you seek for help and information. You’re then forced to become the Graveyard Keeper in hope of getting answers and finding a way back home. That’s basically the…

SolSeraph Review (Nintendo Switch)

Game Details: Developer: Ace Team Publisher: SEGA Genre: Action, Strategy Release Date: July 10, 2019 Players: 1 ESRB Rating: E for Everyone Plot Your adventure begins in the Plains of Windhu, where a struggling human settlement is on the verge of extinction. Food is scarce, resources are few, and the…
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