
This is my first part of a blog series I plan calling PigMayor's Nintendo News.
The luckiest boy in the world.
i will tell u guys all my 3ds games & if u wanna play with me just messege me!
Game collection of Ds, Dsi, 3ds, and Wii games.
Sudoku Challenge! >:) Ruby
How many Sudoku's can you complete?
New Member Cycle Ruby
Theory of new member disappearence
So many new games.... B
Y must I want so many games so badly
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Setback 4
Was gonna get the game today, but things happened...
Punch-Out!!(Wii) R-view T-Player Guy
Review #5 of my series of game reviews
SSB.for3DS Gallery 1 4
Great battles, great photos!
Fantasy Life - DLC 2