Story Writing Corner

Captain Toad Journal - Day 1 PigMayor
The adventures of the Captain himself!
Fanfict on pokemon 25 years into the future
A Pokemon GCN fanfic with all the bells and whistles.
Edison the Neko boy Derplink_:3
It's about an orphan forest boy taken in and raised by an elegant and calm gentleman.
My experience 6 (I think that's what I'm up to): GameStop! Again! M
Yay gamestop.... The only place they make you wait so you can pay them...
Before their Fight 4
Odd preparations occur before Mario and Mii's fight
Link and Impa find Mario and a new recruit, Lana, but Cia has been found threatening the town
As Gannon and Bowser rise, Mario and Link must face them head on.
The three heros take on Roy Koopa in desert land
The action begins as the three heros confront Larry Koopa
Second intro of the three heros before the story actually starts
Villain Intro / Also being uploaded to my deviantart, Kagamine-Rin-Len-V3
Dom and Ari's Weird Adventure Doctor Strange
A Story That Doesn't Make Sense by Glitchy
I am going to talk about my time used in 3ds pedia!